Well, these rules cast us as enemy combatants rather than as humans with companionship needs. Loving relationships with no rules but mutual respect exist. The French had anexpression that I do not fully recall. Others here must. Women snd men are different but quel la difference. It is the joy of life.
Well, I am female. This mind set cripplef me in the Witnesses. Feminism in society and exposure to a broader world assured me I could simply.be me. I was not undateable bc I waa bright and worldly. No one would date me in the Witnesses. Well, plenty of men dated.me.. They were attracted. by the very traits I had. The rule maker is the social outcaat.
Besides actual dates, I developed friend ships with men. This was new to me. I had knights in shining armor. Talesin once posted that male friends were a pivotal moment in her life. Members here became friends. Much to my surprise, I found that they wanted what I wanted. They.wanted to marry. and establish lives as family men. Ruling over women walien to women. No combat between the sexes.occurred. There are millions of such men. There are some bad men and some bad women. Run for your life. Don't linger from poor self esteem. The mere posing of a situation with such rules is pathology. What is so sexy about dating an unmanly male with serious pathology. No, thereb is an abundance of good, caring, masculine men in the world. Plenty of such men are here.