Does anyone believe or put any truth to the stuff on this show? From what i can see its pretty cool stuff. Seems to tie in a lot of social ideas about religions and prayer and interaction with a spirit realm. Any thoughts?
Ancient aliens
by DS211 17 Replies latest social entertainment
Genesis 6.
Pyramid God
I think it's a fascinating idea with little evidence to support it. What exists is easier explained using more conventional means.
Question about gen 6--if the angels (according to what JWs thing "sons of god" are) are neither male nor were they equipped to sleep with the women and make babies...and dont say the stork dropped them off cuz i already know that one.
Correction most peopke call them fallen angels, forgive me
On Genesis 6. Angels have full understanding of earthly physical and biological systems. Since Adam was available for sampling we may assume the human form was also available as a kind of clone. If they were accessing earth in a "human" like form prior to Adam's creation, we can only speculate further. That tey can "enter" creation was shown when the demons entered the swine by Jesus allowance. In general, being knowledgeable of all creation, it can be assumed angels can enter or take on the form of any known creation, or come as spontaneously uniquely presented manifestation.
Whether demons still have this ability is debated, that they did is logical since they were witnesses of creation and took part in whatever way with universal developments of which earth is but one known life system, there may be many many more "abodes".
As far as them liking exclusively hot chicks initially, seems to suggest God's power of beauty in women in general and certain women in extremes and on down the line transcends into the spiritual realm similar in both realms inhabitants perceptive realization of beauty. Not that it is an excuse for angels to forsake angelic life for a "harem of hotties" (Jude6; 2Pet2:4-5), but that it would be a temptation in a number of ways that seems to indicate Satan also had a fascination with the woman, who was named Eve, in more ways than one, after her sin (Gen3:20). (2Cor11 allusion to Eve's chastity after her original sin, indicated by the use of her name Eve)
It appears both realms are actually very much related in many ways.
yadda yadda 2
I think there may well have been ancient giants with advanced stone-craft skills, but not of alien origin. It is bizarre how those ancient megalithic stone structures were built and moved up hills etc.
mind blown
Not sure about the Nef, but there's been many ancient Mayan artiacts collected of space ships and aliens.
Anony Mous
@anonymouz: What are you smoking, I'd like some of that.
I figure if you can believe in God, you can believe in aliens, after all God, Jesus, the angels are not of this earth, extraterrestrial. I find it entertaining better than Survivor and all the other staged reality shows.