[w14 02/15] The "Photodrama of Creation" centenary article

by ZionsWatchTower 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ZionsWatchTower

    A recent article in The Watchtower, February 15, 2014 addresses the centenary of the Photo-Drama of Creation. Then comment it on this 'remarkable work', but it will never be displayed by the Watchtower again ...


    The 1890’s introduced silent motion pictures to the public. As early as 1903, a religious film was shown in a New York City church. The motion-picture industry was thus in its infancy in 1912 when Russell boldly launched preparations for the “Photo-Drama.” He realized that this mode of communication could convey Bible truth in a way that the printed page alone could not.

    The writers of the Watchtower need better detail his writings. What religious film was screened in a church in 1903? Why the name was not mentioned? Maybe something embarrassing to the Watchtower ...

    It is very likely that this religious film was "La Vie et la passion de Jésus Christ" (The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ), launched and displayed in the same year, 1903. This biblical film was produced in France and was the first film with colorful scenes and music who have record, 10 years before emerging the Photo-Drama. You can watch it here:


    The eight-hour “Photo-Drama” presentation, usually shown in four parts, featured 96 brief recorded Bible lectures narrated by a well-known speaker with one of the most recognizable voices of that era. Classical music accompanied many scenes. Skilled operators played the voice and music recordings on phonographs, synchronizing the sound with color slides and film reenactments of famous Bible stories.

    Who was he? In the recordings I have, Charles Taze Russell himself is the one who narrates the 96 parts of the Photo-Drama.

    Most of the film footage and many of the glass slides came from commercial studios. Professional artists in Philadelphia, New York, Paris, and London hand painted the glass slides and the films, frame by frame. Teams of workers in Bethel’s Art Room also did much of the painting, often making replacements for broken slides. In addition to the purchased films, Bethel family members were filmed in nearby Yonkers, New York, as they played the parts of Abraham, Isaac, and the angel who prevented Abraham from actually sacrificing his son.—Gen. 22:9-12.

    The Watchtower has not produced much of the Photo-Drama. What is more interesting, it does not mention that most of the Photo-Drama is nothing more than the scenes that "religious film" displayed in a church in 1903! Yes, most colorful scenes of Photo-Drama of Creation are scenes from the French film "La Vie et la passion de Jésus Christ" (1903)! The Watchtower loves to boast such colorful scenes, but it did not produce them. Although remade a scene with actors of Bethel, as the article says, still not innovated anything, just took advantage and copied an existing idea.

    An associate of Brother Russell told the press that this medium would “interest countless thousands in Scripture, more than anything that [had] been done for religious advancement in the past.” Would the clergy applaud such an innovative effort to reach the spiritually hungry masses? On the contrary, Christendom’s ministers as a whole denounced the “Photo-Drama,” some even using sly or brazen tactics to prevent the public from seeing it. In one venue, a ministers’ union had the electricity cut off.

    And why clerics should applaud him? The Watchtower has applauded any production Christianity? No. And why the Watchtower does not mention exactly what the clerics condemned the Photo-Drama? Was it the fact that this film suggest that Adam was the first pharaoh? The biblical character Melchizedek built the pyramids of Egypt? Jehovah dwells the Pleiades? Among other things that were certainly reasons to condemn him, although nothing justifies any excess that they have had.

    Finally, just bounce the Photo-Drama of Creation was a really interesting production. Viewers of the Photo-Drama in theaters should really have been impressed with what he saw. Charles Taze Russell was a preacher highly intelligent and knew very well invest in what he believed. Despite some extravagant ideas, Bible Students of that era were a group absolutely harmless. My implication is how the Watchtower approaches the subject today. Unfortunate that after the death of Russell, the Watchtower has taken the direction it has taken, today becoming manager of a religion totally different from what he, with great effort, organized.


    - I'm, "Estudante da Bíblia", from Brazil. Author of the Blog "Zion's Watch Tower", in portuguese language.

    This comment was originally published in the brazilian Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses forum.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Great expose, thank you.

  • dozy

    What was even more bizarre about the article was that the writer never mentioned anything about the recent work done to restore the film.

    It's currently being shown around the world in various film clubs and festivals - for example in Derry (Londonderry ) Northern Ireland this month , yet there wasn't any mention of this. If it is such a groundbreaking and important film . why not encourage JWs to see it?


    The WTBTS often trumpets just how wonderful some of their old publications etc are , but in reality hopes that witnesses never read them. An example of this is the Finished Mystery (1917) , which is often cited by the society as a wonderful publication but any reader would likely be stumbled by the complete nonsense that it contains. It just shows that the WTBTS is very quick to bury "old light".

  • chasson

    It seems that "La vie et la passion de notre seigneur Jésus Christ", was one film amongst other of the same "genre", as we can see another one in 1913, called by the same name:


    Here is a description in french of this kind of film at this time:"


    "Pendant plus de 10 ans, les Passions furent les plus longs films produits. Ils furent aussi les premiers films à plans multiples, et nous permettent donc d’y voir le développement du montage. Dérivés lointains des mystères de l’époque médiévale, les Passions ont été très populaires en France jusqu’à la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, malgré leur aspect théâtral et parfois suranné. » (Bertrand Augst)"

    So, the Photo-drama was just a variation of this kind of film (religious film focused on the life of Jesus Christ), very common at this time (in France here), if we trust the Bertrand Augst explanation.

  • minimus

    Chasson makes the point that these films were produced around the same time not a decade apart.Still very interesting thoughts. The Society tries to distance itself from Russell yet Celebrates his accomplishments.

  • chasson

    It is possible that the 1903 film in New-York related in the Watchower, was not the french film but an american film from the Lubin Company. See page 7 of this document, you can see and advertising from Philadelphia for this film.


  • krejames

    Very interesting! Thanks for the OP and comments. will look into this in more detail when I can.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    For years, I was told that this "photo-drama" was the first ever to have synchronized picture and sound...

    (Also, and on another subject, I was told that the MEPS system was the first to translate English into other languages... of course, I later found out that MEPS doesn't actually translate anything)

    The Watchtower's lies are starting to catch up to them....

  • Weana

    What do you mean by saing "The 1903 film ... was the first film with music" ??

    Music and film were two different things at that time. Sometimes, when a film was shown, additionally some music was played at the same time, but technically these were two different things.

    The 1903 original film should not be mixed with the 1932 re-issue version.

  • chasson

    To be more precise concerning the sound, it seems, according to the book "Silent Film Sound" (pages 144-148) from Rick Altman, that the first to use phonographs synchronized (manually) with moving pictures was a man called Lyman Howe. It was exactly this technique which was used in the Drama, so Howe had used phonographs with film, but he had beginning to use it in.... 1896, 16 years before the Watchtower.

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