I tend to look at people and situations with a little bit of humor. I tend to feel that many view themselves as being better than they really are. People's perceptions are often skewered. Reality is not always what they say it is. I like people and enjoy them to a point. I enjoy my space and value independence. Maybe that might be a reason I like this place.
How Do You Generally View People and Yourself?
by minimus 11 Replies latest jw friends
rip van winkle
How Do You Generally View People and Yourself?
With my eyes open!
I agree that you have to be street smart and not gullible. Too many people simply want to believe something is true or right because it makes them fel good.
rip van winkle
Lol!! Yes, my little M&M! But, I do sometimes view others with rose colored glasses!
Before I became a JW: "I need to study hard, do my best, and become successful so that I can help my family and community in the future.."
While studying to become a JW: "Yay! Why did I not know these things before?! ... And they're so loving. "
As a JW, pre-TTATT: "Gosh, these people (referring to the "worldly" ones) ... "
As a JW, after knowing TTATT: " (Thunder, lightning, ground-shaking) Dear God, why did I put blind faith in all these things?! How gullible of me.. "
i dont give it a lot of thought. i get on with most people but can't say i have a lot of friends, more female than male. my dog is pretty good, but has been known to attack me.
Never had many true friends. Got along with most of the JW's I've met over the years in several congregations, since I was a pleaser and always afraid of rejection. Since I've left the WTS there have been a few (worldly) people whom I came to care about deeply, but there are only three people in this world that I really trust from deep down inside of me and that I can rely on when it's really needed, and that's my children and my husband.
All the rest... I like a lot of people, even really love some, but I've been hurt by way too many to ever trust people again the way I used to. Too many people have used me for their own convenience, to 'get something' that I could provide but when I needed thém or their support... gone they were, dropped me like a hot brick. So how do I look at people? I like people, but don't let them come very close anymore.
Well one thing that's different about me since I left the Jdumbs is that I am not paranoid that every non JW person I see is evil and I have so much more empathy for other people. Living in a big city though, I see a lot of very sad people who don't take any pride in themselves or their kids, and I think the biggest thing people lack in general is self esteem.
For myself, I am working on viewing myself as the person other people see-- I am a very nice & caring person, am reasonably attractive, am a little chubby but not fat. I tend to be really hard on myself and too easy on other people, but like I said I am working on it. I need to be easier on myself, and have better boundaries with other people who want to take advantage of my kindness.
I think all people have good/bad (ok, I'm being nice about that) and it's extremely difficult dealing with their bad at times. People can be so aggressive/manipulative and focused getting what they want and the nice, giver/guy gets bamboozled many times. Seems like it's takers/givers for the most part. I view myself as a giver (or so I've been told that I'm a soft target and too nice) and just have trouble carrying myself like a marine and a force to be reckoned with but I'm going to try harder.
Me - I love the person I am, I can be serious and fun, I can have silly and intellectual conversations. I really just am me when I meet people, don't put on any airs and graces, you like me or you don't - no skin off my back whichever you choose. My view on others: many are trying so hard to be something which they are not, they are so desperate to impress that they will fake who they are in order to get it. I don't see people being compassionate, I view most as superficial, detached and boring.