berrygerry:I did a lot of research on youth baptism, having a df'd child.
If you search thoroughly, the older WT's acknowledge that NO ( not just no infants ) CHILDREN were baptized by first century Christians. The articles used expressions such as attaining age of reason and "when they grow up." The April 1, 2006 WT article actually sneaked it in, but no one seems to have picked up on it:
"Regarding first-century Christians, historian Augustus Neander states in his book General History of the Christian Religion and Church: “Baptism was administered at first only to adults, as men were accustomed to conceive baptism and faith as strictly connected.”
Great first post berrygerry and welcome to the Board!
Following on the same research theme, is someone, such as Blondie, able to please post on here any more quotes/research on the validity of infant/child baptism that the Watchtower has published? How does the Society justify this scripturally? Have they even tried?