I think I need someone to give me a history lesson about this site

by will-be-apostate 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Angharad is easy. It's Angharad. I believe she might have Simon beat for moderation.

  • peggy

    It's a process for everyone. Peg

  • jw07

    For Simon the light got the brightest.

  • Phizzy

    I was not thinking of leaving the WT when I discovered this EXCELLENT site. I still was of the deluded opinion that though I could see many of the teachings and practices of the WT were wrong, as Jehovah had his name on it, He must have an interest in it.

    I was so, so wrong, on many levels.

    I read many, many threads on here, I asked questions, and received truthful, helpful answers, delivered in the kindest way.

    In less than a month after joining JWN, I walked out of the Kingdom Hall, and looked back with a tinge of sadness, knowing I would never, could never, go back.

    Thank you Simon, Angharad and all of you good people.

  • Crazyguy

    I think when people are allowed to freely discuss the bible and religion then its inevitable that the pro-JW stance would go away. There are way too many things in the bible that don't jive with JW doctrine. The only reason more JW's don't exit the religion is because of family and the fact that since they can not free discuss the bible, they just check their brains at the door.

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