I know that one passage that always struck me as very rude was in the book of John where Jesus had gone to the marraige feast. John chapter 2 verse 3 Mary (Jesus'mother) said to him that the wine had run short, and his response to her was: "What have I got to do with you woman? My hour has not yet come." Of course he ended up making wine out of water, but I always felt that if Mary had been chosen to be his earthly mother he should have been kinder to her in his words.
Now this comes from a woman who at the time of this thinking had been married to a very abusive husband and had no dealings with the "outside world".
Because of being married to the abusive man I was, I took acception to any person (male or female)speaking to another like this. And of course having no outside contacts, I was not aware of cultural differences.
Since leaving the Borg and living abroad for a short time, not to mention being online for 6 years...I now realise that what may seem rude to a person of one culture may not be viewed as rude in another.
For example. I lived in Greece for a while. One thing that I have learned is that they are different in the fact that they have many different ways of conveying a message, while we in the US tend to say things one way. We think it is precise and to the point. So if a decision is to be made by 2 or more people talk could go on forever (or so it seemed to me) and the yelling involved scared the living daylights out of me in the beginning. haha. What appeared to me to be an arguement was just them talking amongst themselves, and very emphatically, but to them it was just the way they talked.
I agree with Mulan that translations could be at fault but I also think culural differences play a large part.