So this morning the wife and I went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. my lovely sister watched the kids for us last night so we have to pick them up later.
Anyway a few minutes later the family sits at a table next to us. Their food comes and they begin to pray.THey all join hands and he begins praying out loud.. very loud.
So out of respect my wife and I stop talking... they eat and we eat no biggie. ABout 15 minutes into the meal the guy leans over he says, "I see you are a god fearing man!" (This is Florida mind you so add on some nice country accent).
I promptly tried to dispatch this conversation with a small chuckle and proceeded eating. He takes a small bible out his pocket and says he wants to share a scripture with me if I do not mind. I said, "I do mind. No Thanks". He proceeded to say, "The SPIRIT TOLD ME I WOULD RUN INTO YOU TODAY"
At this point I realized it was going to either end very quickly or very badly. It is Sunday morning, there are people going to church. He probably has alot zeal. So once again I said, "I am not really into this right now." He says, "Look at all this food GAHD has provided for us this morning... don't you want to give thanks?"
I stayed silent for about 3 seconds and then I told him I use to attend church heavily for 35 years. I am done with the bible and GOD... he interrupts and says what church did I go to. I told him I use to be a JW. He said he felt bad for me and that the reason that I was not close to GAWD was because I was with a demon-inspired group.(Yes he actually said this)
He offered to pray over me and draw me to the spirit. By this time a few people around were just looking and listening. So I said, "I appreciate the offer but I just am not into the angry and violent bible god." This dude instantly turned into a rabid animal. He said I was speaking of things I did not understand blah blah blah. God is loving and its the DEBIL dat is a LIE!!
I went to my favorite passage Deuteronomy 21:18-21 and asked this whackadoodle so is this the devil telling the israelites to kill their children? Would you like to hit either of your two kids with rocks until they died in front of you? How about all those Canaanites he told the Israelites to kill??? was that the devil? No that was god. God likes to kill people. He says that is from the old testament and that GAWD is not like that today. I said , "ok but It is there in your own bible bro."
He did not like me calling him "bro". He now tells me I am from my father and starts mumbling things. I go back to eating. My wife is laughing. I then realize people for some reason are looking at me like I did something wrong.
So I am wondering is it just wrong to call people out on what they believe even if they try to make you look like a fool first? Is it just wrong not to believe that the bible is wrong?