Have You Ever Met...Or KNOW...a GB Member?

by Cold Steel 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Balaamsass

    1. Yes. 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes

    Met and knew most of them in the 60s, 70s & 80s. Some had been family friends.

    Fred Franz- friendly but odd...the Sauna bible meeting thing....only a shrink could figure that out

    Knorr- friendly at home- ALL business at work- same for Jaracz "ship captain" personality

    Ray Franz- true believer- kind- open minded- hospitable- smart

    Sydlick- mixed bag. great guy & joker one day- pompous asshole the next.

    Chitty- Flaming gay

    Booth- pleasant quiet guy

    The rest I only knew from brief work related meetings

  • BluePill2

    I've met Samuel Herd and Guy H Pierce. Both stayed in my Bethel room (during my foreign assignment in Central American branch). Samuel Herd came for a Branch dedication and Guy Pierce for the Zone visit. We had the nicest room with all the gadgets and best setup so the Branch Committee decided that we had to move out for a week and move in the Witness Popes.

    Both where very reserved and distant to everybody.

    The first experience was with Guy Pierce (grandfather like)

    Everybody at the branch was s******g their pants because of the zone visit - the Branch Committe because he wanted to do a revision of the finances (always a difficult topic for any branch) and the rest because they thought he was Gary Glitter and touching him would bring you directly to heaven. On Saturday morning everybody left and only half a dozen Bethelites stayed with him on the table (he conducted morning worship). So we stayed there having the most relaxed chit chat and out of the blue one of the locals asks him the question that was on everybodys mind: How do you know that you are annointed? BAMM. Everybody glued to their seats looking at him. Then the friendly, relaxed, grandfather-like face changed, he answered.....(drum roll, drum roll):

    "We just know. Easy as that." One of the Bethelites spontanely said: "Yes, but how exactly does it work? How do you feel you are one?" He said: "How do you know that you are a male?" and standed up saying that everybody should go back to work and that he has to leave now. I will never forget this.

    The second experience was with Samuel Herd. He was there for the Branch dedication and the BC had a full agenda of "spiritual" and "cultural" activities (god, it took MONTHS of f****** work to prepare that week and a shit ton of money too). Anyway, to everybodys surprise he only gave the main talk and excused himself for the rest of the days, staying in my room (I had to go there once to pick up some personal stuff, he barely opened the door, said nothing, I had to hurry and was hushed outside).

    After the show was over my room smelled for days of some strong medicine. Our room had cable TV, Wireless Internet and I had a DVD player with LOTS of movies (god forbid, me bad bethelite: action movies and thrillers). I saw that he had been through my movie collection. No doubt searching for porn to watch or taking notes or maybe he settled in for a marathon movie session (I think the latter as the TV was moved towards the Bed).

    Poor guy was either very sick, bored of "Branch Cultural Shit Fanfare" stuff or both. Anyway, for everybody it was the most disappointing GB visit that we had.

    I felt that I knew some of the others personally through another Bethelite that was a good friend of mine. He used to work for the health department in Brooklyn and had to take care of the old timers: Swingle, Jaracz, Barr and Gangas. Most of the stories where about Gangas and I had good long laughs and he was my favourite guy.

    Treatment: Yes, people would roll out the red carpet (almost literally! The Branch drove them in a Mercedes to the Stadium to give the talks) and locals at the stadium gathered around waving their Bibles and Song books to get an autograph. Basically like Rock stars.

    I can write something more if I remember and if someone is interested.

  • BluePill2

    Ah, I forgot this:

    No, they don't relate very well with each other. It is a strange phenomenon that I have observed over the years with GB members and Branch Committe members: they are in some kind of tense relationship to each other. Acknowledging the "others" but nonetheless in some kind of competition or even worse, sometimes you can see who they can't stand - no doubt because of discussions and lost battles in the "board room". Usually they just have their old friends and that is it.

    I also remembered about Guy Pierce that he said that he absolutely loved Hawaii and that it was his best assignment ever and that he spends as much time as possible there. He said - jokingly (seriously?) that if he could he would rather go back and serve there instead of Brooklyn. Well, no wonder.

  • BluePill2

    I think that if you take the individual, single men that compose the GB you will notice that they are just that: men, serving a corporation like everybody else. If they are together and act as a collective they loose conscience and reason and have a hive mind, so to speak. It becomes the faceless, emotionless entity that we all have learned to "love".

  • Balaamsass

    Ray Franz was quite a thinker. Four of us debated the entire blood transfusion/fractions thing vs Kosher rules for 3 hrs at work one day. Another day field service on Saturadays vs TV broadcasts...and what would Jesus choose were he on earth for a couple of hours. THOSE conversations would = Disfellowshipping in most congregations today.

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    Yes. They're all dead. I don't know any of the current crop. Knorr had two personaiities. He could be gracious and kind. Or he could be a bastard. Franz thought he was Christ's right hand man. MacMillan was a gem, personable, smart, funny. I"m having an old man moment and can't remember the name of the Scotsman and his wife, both of whom were fun, open people. Both dead now. I met Swingle only once and have no lasting impression.

    The current bunch? I have no desire to meet any of them. They're apostates.

    Old man moment from above: John Bar and wife.

  • rocketman

    I met Fred Franz, briefly. A local elder brought him in for a visit, ad I walked up to the car he was riding in to say hello. He seemed pretty humble - seated in the back seat while the elder's wife rode shotgun, if that means anything.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Bluepill2: "We just know. Easy as that." One of the Bethelites spontaneously said: "Yes, but how exactly does it work? How do you feel you are one?" He said: "How do you know that you are a male?" and [stood] up saying that everybody should go back to work and that he has to leave now. I will never forget this.

    That’s quite a story. Sounds like a question he gets a lot because the answer sounds like it’s been used before. The real question I wish someone would have asked him is how are people outside of the Governing Body supposed to know of their inspiration? I imagine if anyone pushed it much further that there might be repercussions.

    I’m amazed that you said these guys have an uneasy alliance. Was this just a feeling you got or is it just something that’s well known? Some of the early apostles had some disagreements, but Peter was the senior and when revelation came to the church, it came through him.

    I understand that the body members won’t or can’t interfere with individual disfellowshiping, but they could alter the guidelines used in the baptismal questions and in disciplinary actions. They’re also the ones who made the power grab making them the head of the denomination.

    Have you ever known any of these guys to show anger?

    Balaamsass: Four of us debated the entire blood transfusion/fractions thing vs Kosher rules for 3 hrs at work one day. Another day field service on Saturdays vs TV broadcasts...and what would Jesus choose were he on earth for a couple of hours. THOSE conversations would = Disfellowshipping in most congregations today.

    What would a debate for three hours about blood be like? Do you think if most members could vote on the issue, do you think they'd keep it the way it is now or change it? Are people who weaken and allow their children to receive blood disfellowshiped?

    And why in the world would the GB be against one using one's own blood? Does the GB claim to receive "light" on this topic or is it just their interpretation of scripture? One reason they can't back off on this is beause, if you'd had a child, spouse or friend die because of the policy, can you imagine how you'd feel?

    Does the GB ever take disciplinary action against anyone, or is that strictly up to the elders?


  • BluesBrother

    I met and went on the ministry with Jack Barr a short time before he was appointed to the G B. He was then at London Bethel and did a weekend visit , as they used to do in those days. He was really a nice person to be with. He was totally genial and conversational with me (as an awkward and socially inept teen) Severall weeks later I saw him in the crowd at Twickenham Convention and he made a point of speaking to me. A few weeks later it was announced thatt he was on the G B .

    At the time I thought it was great that an apparent genuine person was called to the very top of the Organization.......but I did not know then what I know now...Personalities, good or bad are not what counts. It is just the words - is it true or false? All the good intention in the world will not turn a crock of you-know-what into a pot of gold

  • NewYork44M

    Sam Herd is from a congregation near my childhood home. His family was from Oxford OH. I knew several of his grandchildren. The unique feature of his family is that as far as I knew, everyone of his grandchildren married a white person.

    Cary Barber was our CO in the 1970s in Bradenton Fl. I went out to service with him. A few years ago I was at a circiut assembly (I was almost done with my fade) and walked up and talked with Cary for a few minutes.

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