How many of these books have your read?

by Calebs Airplane 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    On The Way Out...

    Agreed... these should be required reading...

    In my case, Crisis of Consciencewas an eye opener... But then I thought "but they predicted 1914 !!!" until I read Gentile Times Reconsideredand realized that everything i was ever taught about 1914 was completely false... reading Finished Mystery (1917) was the nail in the coffin...

  • Terry

    So I am looking forward to Terry's experiences and analysis with relish.

    Thanks, the book goes well with hot dogs too!

    I wanted to make pretty clear in my book how totally wasteful and unecessary the sacrifices of JW's have been due to being pressured

    into refusal of legal alternate service.

    The story of Desmond Doss, 7th Day Adventist who won the Medal of Honor as a Conscientious object, should shame any "proud" JW.

    I emphasized how the so-called "conscience" of a Jehovah's Witness is made non-existent and the hive mind of obedience to wreckless

    policy is substituted.

    I hope I wrecked the false premise of the Governing Body that after the death of the last apostles an apostacy of teaching crept in to Christianity.

    I quote, century by century, the Early Church fathers on participation in military, civil service and government did not change gradually at all.

    I also demonstrate how the beginning of a Theocratic government is always the signal end of Christian conscience.

    These are things not spoken about often enough, in my opinion.

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