Tec, hello! :)
So which is true? God wants sacrifices... or does not want sacrifices? How can you tell what is the truth about God?
He invented sacrifice. If he did not want sacrifice, he wouldn't sacrificed his son (or himself according to some).
You are mine-quoting my friend — it is ovious to anyone taking the Bible in full context that God invented the horror of sacrifice.
But Christ lay down his life for others
He only did that because his sacrifice had some value.
Come on, lets be honest, how does his death help others to live?
Furthermore the protocol had to do with saving us from the original sin of Adam — that never existed!
There is no 'jehovah'.
That is a prophetic statement of what WILL happen; not what God, Himself, did or even ordered anyone to do.
Um... I can't even begin to dispute such bad faith... Sorry my friend.
You are on a whole other planet by negating what is written in the Bible and inventing your own spin.
All that violence that you are speaking about here? Man did it.
... on the order of God.
If you don't believe that, then you must be answering the wrong thread, as I am clearly disputing the Bible and what is written in context.
I will be honest with you Tec — your answer upsets and angers me, for you are making a total mockery by throwing in a spin that nobody I know on this site can relate to.
Your 'special' inner information from Christ is an insult to those who seek truth and reason.
I'm sorry — but you are totally off subject.
Keep in your delusions, but please, give us honest seekers a break from this nonesense. You are not a JW, not an ExJW — You are not even debating in the ballpark of this site.
If the subject is not aimed at you, please have the decency to stay quiet.
1 John 4:8 God is Love?
by braincleaned 25 Replies latest watchtower bible
His blood (his life) covers those who belong to Him - Tammy
You have used a metaphor to explain a metaphor and made it even more opaque.
What does "cover" mean and how exactly does blood cover somebody?
When I think blood covering someone I think of this
What does "cover" mean and how exactly does blood cover somebody?-cofty
When a man beats his family so badly, they are covered in blood. God doesn't care, but blood has covered them none the less. When this happens in a religion you believe is loving and kind it makes a mockery of Jesus' blood covering sins. Its even worse when religious leaders hide the DV, and say the family is not submissive.
That's the only way I see how blood covers somebody
Kate xx
When I post questions aimed at a particular group, I hope to get a good argument from that group.
I have no idea why Tammy keeps preaching to us.
We are exJWs or JWs looking for help. We don't need the frustrations of personal and unverifiable "revelation".
I'm really getting fed up with this.
I think I need a break from this site.JESUS CHRIST! I'm trying here... inner voices! Damn! I'm not a doctor, I'm not equipped to deal with schizophrenia!
"... compelled by the Spirit!" WTF???
Gotta take a break before I get REALLY nasty... I paid too high a price for truth to not have to deal with this BS!
I know what you mean Vince. I need R&R after these conversations.
Tammy has no religion. She hears JC and she can tells us anything she wants, unverifiable... so no use to ANY of us.
I was obviously not aiming her in this OP, because she doesn't beleive in the angle that most christians have.
All she does is drop names — or name — we get it: she is JC's buddy. SHE gets the scoops. Damn...
What is more plausible, that JC talks to her directly, or that she needs clinical help for hearing the voice?
Ok... I'm outta here before I explode. -
Tammy is good example of people not wanting to relinquish their beliefs in spite of so much contravening
evidence opposed toward those specific beliefs.
Its all emotive theory in the end which does people some good and not so good for many others.
He invented sacrifice. If he did not want sacrifice, he wouldn't sacrificed his son (or himself according to some).
You are mine-quoting my friend — it is ovious to anyone taking the Bible i full context that God invented the horror of sacrifice.But you are not taking the bible in full context... or you would know that the answer is found in Christ, and Christ alone. I think that in order to maintain your view of God, you have to ignore such verses as the ones I quoted (which are confirmed in Christ, by Christ). Otherwise, please tell me what those verses mean, and how do you reconcile them to your view?
Telling me that i am quote mining doesn't do much... unless you show me how, does it?
He only did that because his sacrifice had some value.
Um... yes. His sacrifice did have value. I'm not sure what you're trying to point out here, lol?
Come on, lets be honest, how does his death help others to live?
His LIFE despite having been put to death... his RESURECTION shows us that we CAN have faith in Him, and all that He has said and taught... because He is truth, and his own resurrection is the evidence that death has no authority over him, has no hold on him... or upon anyone who belongs TO him.
People focus only upon the he died part... and miss (or just don't believe) the part about the resurrection.
Furthermore the protocol had to do with saving us fro the original sin of Adam — that never existed!
The life that adam owed was to... death (since Adam ate of death... the tree of the knowledge of good and bad = bad being death... and so death entered into him). Christ paid that ransom... so that debt is paid. But Christ LIVED, being given ALL authority including over death, and so all who are in Christ - who is the life - also live as He lives.
Death entered through Adam... Life comes through Christ.
That is the equivalency that Paul made.
Um... I can't even begin to dispute such bad faith... Sorry my friend.
You are on a whole other planet by negating what is written in the Bible and inventing your own spin.I am just reading the words that you copied. Nothing in what you quoted from Hosea says that God demanded such things.
It is the same with people who claim that God threatened Adam and Eve, and killed them for having eaten of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
The account does not state that. The account states that God warned them of the consequences of eating of that tree.
If you eat, you will die.
Not... if you eat, I will kill you.
It is this misreading that leads to the erronious views of God that some have... though if those same few would look at Christ and the Image that Christ gives of His Father, and ask TO see and hear the Truth... they might be able to see and hear the truth about God.
Because God is none of these things that some of you accuse Him of being. You do not know him. (you don't claim to know him) These accusations come from a lack of understanding, from not knowing Christ, so not knowing God. From looking at images that man has given of God (religion, the bible, golden calves, etc)... but not the one Image God gave of Himself. Regardless of whether you can hear Christ or not... you can still READ what He is written to have said and done.
... on the order of God.
If you don't believe that, then you must be answering the wrong thread, as I am clearly diputing the Bible and waht is written in context.Except that the verse you quoted did not say that. Look at the actual words, without spinning them. Just read them as they are. God speaks of what WILL happen, not what He has ordered TO happen.
Those things... are what man does... even now, in war... no help or hindrance from any supposed order from God. That should be able to help one see this also.
Man is the one who misconstrues and then goes ahead and says God told us to do this. THAT has crept into the bible by the error of the scribes. Once again, though... one can look to the example that Christ gave, to know the truth.
I will be honest with you Tec — your answer upsets and angers me, for you are making a total mockery by throwing in a spin that nobody I know on this site can relate to.
Your 'special' inner information from Christ is an insult to those who seek truth and reason. I'm sorry — but you are totally off subject.
Nothing I have said to you is not also written. I have offered quotes from the bible, and also the words and teachings of Christ... also from the bible. Even the words, Listen to Christ... is written IN the bible. So I am not off subject. Because even if you can't hear Him (as the bible says that his sheep WILL do), you CAN read his words and see his example from what is IN the bible.
You are just looking with different eyes than I am. But it is ALL there.
Keep in your delusions, but please, give us honest seekers a break from this nonesense. You are not a JW, not an ExJW — You are not even debating in the ballpark of this site.
Me not having gotten baptized does not mean that I cannot be part of this forum and discuss matters such as this. I studied for two years, I believed, for however briefly, that the wts was God's chosen channel... I wanted to die after I turned away from them, still thinking that they were the truth and I just was too weak to be part of them.
So please do not dismiss me as a valid member of this forum just because I did not get baptized.
If the subject is not aimed at you, please have the decency to stay quiet.
Look, I appreciate your honesty. But please see all that I have stated re: what is written. Because nothing that I share is not also backed up in what is written. You don't have to like or agree with it. But I can express what I see and hear from what is written, testing all against Christ. The subject of God being love is certainly aimed at me, as one who believes in Him, knows Him AS love... and you did say in your OP... please feel free to persuade us that 'Jehovah' (and you are meaning God) is love. I have not done anything other than that.