Contrary to popular awareness a human global government schematic appearing for the first time since Genesis 11 Nimrod "urban planning" as an outline of elite collective as a "League of Nations" (1919), and an eventual "Kingdom of God" similar anouncement of completion intent, basically at the same time in human history (1900-1930), is far more significant than it appears.
Since Genesis 11 Nimrod managed "globalism" did in time trigger a divine intervention as a physically non-destructive language multiplication, a similar globalism hub in the League of Nations is of course in the Bible story a development that is significant as well in like principle, it just not mature enough then or now to recieve a reset intervention as per Zeph3:8-9.
(Zephaniah 3:8-9) “‘Therefore keep yourselves in expectation of me,’ is the utterance of Jehovah, ‘till the day of my rising up to [the] booty, for my judicial decision is to gather nations, for me to collect together kingdoms, in order to pour out upon them my denunciation, all my burning anger; for by the fire of my zeal all the earth will be devoured. 9 For then I shall give to peoples the change to a pure language, in order for them all to call upon the name of Jehovah, in order to serve him shoulder to shoulder.’
So it appears according to the Bible logic that a final globalized collective, when it reaches it's zenith, will result in another language related intervention reversing the Genesis 11 language multiplication.
What's this got to do with Satan?
Well in Eze 38 Satan arrives from the "remotest parts of the north", not heaven, but "heavenly places" of Eph6:12 as I guess the location of his "place no longer found in heaven" is now universal locations of deep space. In Jude 6 it is apparent the Genesis 6 angelic bachelors "forsook their own proper dwelling place", and in Gen6 context and Job 1, it appears Satan has a sort of obsession with planet earth and it's humans, and with ruling the place.
It appears logical then a Revelation 13 sovereign continuum to Revelation 17 culminations is just a ruling system "Gog of Magog" will come to direct and protect very directly (Eze38:7), so the "League of Nations" manifestation is a sign of revisited Genesis 11 related incept globalism developments, albeit in a distributed form of centralization, with an angelic attachment to the days of Genesis 6, for ultimately the purpose of the "Dragon's throne", so it makes sense Satan had to be involved in a "seven headed" wildbeast structure (Rev13:1-15) and it's "image" as a reflection of himself as "seven headed" in organizational structure of Eph6:12.
He may very well be bound now to universal spaces as "remotest parts of the north", and a unique world war event of 1914-1918 is also another now glossed over major event of far greater significance than is commonly realized by some in today's media jaded and historically disconnected generations, for it's own time and deployment of truly industrialized war with all top innovations directed at the technology of organized violence and murder. (Like Nimrod) And it repeated in various ways in WW2 and "cold war", and now war is the planet's biggest single business enterprise.
If Satan came down, what kind of place would earth be? And if one listed what it would be like, well it already meets that description, but when people are well fed, housed and distracted, the reality of world war or nuclear/super-wave war is not the first thing that comes to mind, but that is exactly the infrastructure and potential that now envelopes earth as Global NATO. (and others)
It is possible, since it all leads back to a 2-300 billion dollar elite system start-up fund generated in WW1 in 1900's dollar terms, that Satan has been taking a "hands on" approach and extra developmental aid in this last century unlike any period in human history revealed statistically in many ways as man makes a science of war on self, nature and eachother. (all vs. all, etc)
Why would supposedly intelligent humans invest time, energy and wealth in ultimately planetary life-systemicide and self-destruction?
And therein is the Devil in the details, in my opinion, at a scale never found previously at quite the post 1900 levels of the systematic increases in the industrialized production of death for all kinds of life on earth, not just human. Now they are just perfecting the science with greater technological enhancements and advancements.
Then if they ever do resolve all world war (Dan8:25) for world peace (1Thess5:1-3), what then to do with all the weapons?
Save planet earth! by mass depopulation!!!!! Will be the command SkyNet computers shall receive...... Retry...enter...
Oh the bitter irony of fallen man...