What have the 'myriads of angels' ever done for humanity?

by yadda yadda 2 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • crossquestions6995

    Historical texts like the bible, book of Enoch, Jasher, Giants, and countless accounts from all over the earth (from the begining to now). All create a pretty detailed answer to the original question.

    -1/3 Angles fell after choosing to "get it on" with humans.

    -Wanted to go back to heaven but were not allowed.

    -So they gave hidden (occult) knowlege to men In exchange for worship n women

    -had nephilim babies and tried to corrupt all humanities DNA so messiah couldnt be born

    -flood happened cuz only 8 people were uncorrupted by fallen angel DNA

    -all nephilim hybrids died and their souls are the "rephiem" (demons and evil spirits)

    -now the 2/3 good angels are combating the 1/3 fallen.

    -they also help to assist with Gods plan and are "messengers"

    For those that have not witnessed supernatural evil. Or dont believe that the supernatural exists . This might be a hard concept to come to grips with. But it is real as u and I are. There is a vail that exists as a barrier to protect us so that evil doesnt run amuck. The angel help to maintain it until an unspecified time. They also protect those with faith from the fallen angels and demons that have free range with unbelievers.

  • kaik

    To crossquestions6995:

    Why I consider the answer as a nonsense.

    • The Book of Enoch nor other are not historical texts. They are not even part of the Bible. There are no known human species to have a giant form. No scientific, historical, or naturual studies have uncovered one single evidence. The giants are as historical facts as unicorns, syrenes, marmaids, centaur, and fire dragons.
    • There is not whatsoever geological, biological, or paleontoligical evidence of a global flood as presented by Genesis. Even Jewish theology since the antiquity doubted the story of the global flood. Civilizations like China or Egypt does not show any discontinuity of their live in the century when the flood should had happened. Not to mention all the issue relating to species selection which two pairs will create a genetic bottleneck.
    • If Jesus was non human existence, there is no need to worry about corrupting humand's DNA.
    • If Angels materialized into human form, they would leave any traces of the advanced civilization in the early Bronze era. Considering the number of humans were about 25milions around 2500 BC how many of the women were desirable when considering entire human race outside fertile crescent were hunter and gathering nomads? Woud not immortals preserve better achievements than what we seen from excavated huts?
    • Are you sure that all Rephiem had died? They are mentioned in Jos 12:4 or 2 Sam 5:18.

    What have the 'myriads of angels' ever done for humanity?

    .....This One Shovels Snow!..


    ................................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Watchtower-Free
  • rebel8

    There used to be a charlatan on the radio periodically who claimed to be able to see angels, and even when she was not in the line of sight, she knew what they looked like and did.

    Each person had a guardian angel. When a person would call into the show, she'd describe the color of the angel (various glow-in-the-dark colors) and what the angel did. For example, if you were single, that angel's specialty was going on dates with you and guiding you to find the right mate.

    I find that type of deception despicable.

  • PelicanBeach

    Yadda Yadda 2,

    "Think about it, myriads upon myriads of do-nothing, never lift a finger angels floating around, ignoring all the untold pain and suffering on this planet for thousands of years."

    I see, so mankind shits in his own home and on his children and you ask what the angels are doing to stop him? Maybe they're looking away in DISGUST!

    Placing blame on others for our own manmade troubles is a darn sorry emotion.

    But I get it, you don't believe in angels and so find it good to complain about entities you do not believe in.


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