Jehovah's Witnesses MOST FEARED VIDEO 220,000 views
by Watchtower-Free 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Interesting, however, I don't think this comes close to being the most feard video.
I doubt it would have done the trick for me if I looked at it when I was drinking the koolaid.
Ditto NY44M, but kudos to the maker of the video for trying.
The problem as I see it is the call to Jesus, JW's will see this as an Apostate trying to trap them, and to be fair, it is asking them to jump out of the frying pan......
It would be better to produce videos along the lines of Paul's JWfacts.org site, just facts and unarguable reasonings.
Too religious for me. Still a lot of Jesus crap.
It's just asking to leave one silly belief for another.
Thank God I'm an Atheist! Whew! -
Yes I agree with the others. There are not enough similarities for it to connect with a JW. For a start the society did not say a specific month. Most times even 1975 was not mentioned as the time when everything would be done and dusted. Also the paster did not change any doctrines that were wrong, whereas JWs will say that they have gradually been getting rid of wrong doctrine.
Some of the most rabid critics of the Watchtower Society are fundamentalist Christians whose diatribes against the organization are among the most overblown and unbalanced I have ever heard (or seen). I recall the fiery responses I would get from Christian householders who - in all sincerity - believed if they deluged me with their bibilical propaganda I would fall to my knees and see the error of the organization. No.
I was helped to see TTATT by observing my own doubts and seeking out reasoned discourse on those doubts and not by the laying on of hands and sweaty prayers.
The most infuriating aspect of the so-called "Christian" attack on the Watchtower is its hypocrisy. It does not take long to see that fundamentalist Christianity is as prone to personal and interpersonal difficulties and break-offs and schisms as the Watchtower is.
I often wonder about the objectives of those that are atempting to teach the TATT to those drinking the koolaid.
If it is to get the to know the "real christ" perhaps they need to change their approach.
If the goal is to get people out without providing support in the slow painful process - then shame on you.
I had a conversation with a christian who was trying to get a close relative out of the cult. My point that he did not understand was that getting the relative out is just part of the battle, then you need to convince him (or her) that the person should still believe in god.You also need to provide a stepping stone for the rest of his or her life.
Here is the message to the person that taught me the TATT. If you want to be a hero for what you have done. You are wrong. You are not and will never be the hero.
What Steve2 said
I am SICK to DEATH of being asked to click a link, when the person posting it cannot be bothered to provide a brief synopsis.
How do any of us know if we are going to commit a crime merely by clicking - as in Europe, and many parts of the US?