Faithful Daughter Shuns Aging Mother
by Etude 13 Replies latest jw friends
Is this for real? Reads like something from the Onion...
Okay! Hahaha! Is IS satire! Still — the story is too close to reality!
THank you for the link! This site is hilarious — yet disturbingly accurate.
That's what satire is... brilliant! -
Well, I don't know much about the site. It rang true to me because I've read examples in the Watchtower publications with similar stories. The one I have in mind is the account of a woman who was DFed and tells of her experience being shuned. Eventually, after she couldn't stand it, she returned to the JWs. The example was printed to illustrate that shunning works.
Very clever website... I like this they wrote about Satire.....
"Friends, we have been accused of satire, and we need to address this issue. Most of the accusations come from apostates, and of course we don’t read anything an apostate has to say so we ignore those. But when our dear brothers and sisters started questioning us, we knew we had to clarify some things."
They then go into what satire is and why they wouldn't use it... then say this:-
"Friends, accusations are very serious things. We know how Jehovah feels about a false accuser, so care must be taken whenwe accuse others. We are just like you. We love Jehovah. We anxiously await the bloody slaughter of seven billion men, women, children and babies. We would allow our children to die painful, preventable deaths rather than treat them with blood. We go to the elders before we go to the police when we have evidence of sexual molestation. We fear Smurfs. We avoid independent thinking disguised as critical thinking. We shun when Jehovah says shun, even if it means we throw our unprepared children out onto the streets or let our parents die alone after they have sacrificed their entire lives for us.
We eschew too much worldly education for fear it will hone our thinking ability too much and lead us away from Jehovah. Instead, we are educated by Jehovah and have the equivalent of a university degree from what we learn in the literature. We don’t offer toasts or throw rice at weddings, and we see the distinction between these pagan practices and wearing wedding rings and white wedding dresses. We trust every single word the Society tells us, and we know anyone that would present evidence against them is just a mentally diseased, lying, bitter, hateful apostate!
We are just like you. We are part of the most loving and happiest family on earth. We would never partake of the unclean, dishonest, evil practice of Satire"
LOL!! :D
Although it's close to what could happen this account just doesn't ring true....nice try though.
I just love this site — it's like MAD Magazine for JWs!!! LOL!
This one made me bust a gut laughing: -
Yes tornapart — I'm still in tears.
Too close to the truth for comfort it seems! Hahahaha! -
Just imagine a real R&F JW reading this thinking he's stumbled across a pro-WT website... and then that horrible, uncomfortable feeling comes over him as he's reading it.... finally realising with what feels like a punch in the stomach that he's just read .... Shock! Horror!... something apostate! LOL
Let's hope they feel sick about the real truths they've stumbled across...