Why study the Bible?New JW video and propaganda
by suavojr 11 Replies latest jw friends
Why should we not study the Bible?
I will give you some answers:
cruelty from God
anonymus authors ( Where have I seen this one before?)
magic and miracles
What other reasons do you have?
So that you can never again be conned by "true" believers into giving your life away one second at a time to a CULT.
As a former roman catholic i feel insulted by this...
What the video teaches me: God is in control of our world, from day-to-day. God is all-powerful (at least as far as human life and activity is concerned.... and, really, what else matters to us?). God has an agenda. Unfortunately for us, God seems to be mean-spirited and evil; and his name is presumed to be "Satan". [That last bit is not explicit in the video; but the trail leads there.]
The lesson? Best to learn to work with the God "we" have. Get in line with the agenda, maybe we'll be better off in the world that exists.
Do you think that was the intended message?
I don't like the way the guy says 'the bible'
If the whole world is in Satan's power, then we are promised nothing as far as physical protection is concerned. Spiritually we are unbreakable, that is the only promise we get. The confusion that the JW's try to solve is of their own making. Notice in the video when it says " The bible is too hard to understand." This occurs around 1 min, 25 seconds. The "hard to understand" teachings are WTBTS dogma about the World powers and the Image! Remember the special announcement about the ten toes?! LOL!!
So come to the WTBTS for salvation so they can explain their convoluted dogma. Is it hard to understand? You bucking fetcha it is.. Just turn off your brain. Since the time of you birth you have asked, "Why?" Well, you can stop that right now. No questions are allowed. It's the GB's way or the Highway! Question the un-inspired, fallible, non-leaders of the FDS and you are df'd for apostasy!!
It's simple. You are guaranteed to have no spiritual breaking point. Can you die in a super-typhoon? Yes. Can you die in a bus on the way to a DC? Yes. Can you die on the way to the Memorial, in a car accident? Yes, true story, happened last year.. Can you die in Mexico, murdered in your own home? Yes.. Can you die of old age after shit-canning your educational opportunities and selling your belongings? Yes..
Since all men are appointed to die once and then receive judgment, it's my belief that we will not see the END. Yes, I know, I have been overreached by Satanic thinking.. We COULD see THE END, but the evidence is not in our favor. EVERY SINGLE GENERATION [ real generation ] THAT HAS EVER EXISTED BEFORE US, HAS DIED. HOWEVER LONG MANKIND HAS EXISTED...THEY ARE ALL DEAD. NO ONE HAS NOT DIED. WHAT ARE THE CHANCE THAT THOSE OF US ALIVE RIGHT NOW, WILL NOT DIE? Someone please, do the math! What are the statistical chances?!? How many humans have ever lived and died vs. the number of " true Christians" who will not see death?! LOL!! See what I mean?
The confusion exists because of religious lies. MILLION NOW LIVING!!!!, remember that one? How about " THE GENERATION OF 1914!!!??" The WTBTS is desperately flooding the consciousness of the sheeple with pure, unadulterated, PROPAGANDA. WHY??? To survive, of course. They must provide " satisfying answers" to the idiotic questions that their unscriptural dogma creates. They also must be right! The alternative is too frightening because of their materialism [ in the true sense ]. The leaders are physically oriented people, masquerading as spiritual gurus. The Organization/Corporation IS Jehovah (tm)!!! They create a vacuum of "confusion and ignorance" and fill it with their "knowledge!" It's the oldest trick in the book. The Emperor's new clothes have made their fashion debut for every generation. It's the WTBTS's new Fall line, and it looks just like last year's line.
Create an Image, give it life. Bow to the Image, create job security.
WoW DD spot on! you said:
It's simple. You are guaranteed to have no spiritual breaking point. Can you die in a super-typhoon? Yes. Can you die in a bus on the way to a DC? Yes. Can you die on the way to the Memorial, in a car accident? Yes, true story, happened last year.. Can you die in Mexico, murdered in your own home? Yes.. Can you die of old age after shit-canning your educational opportunities and selling your belongings? Yes..
It is amazing how these people offer nothing but promise you so much fineprint
Yeah, what's the offer again?? Oh, yeah, the prospect of the prospect of a chance at eternal life. You have a chance of making it through the GT, only to be rewarded with the chance of making it to the end of the 1,000 years, to get tha chance to face the Final test. After that, you can still be killed off because you are not immortal. The GB on the other hand, gain immortality because of their prolific literature printing.. What else have they done? They sure as hell have not taught the truth, because you can't teach what you don't know.
It's nice to know that Rutherford gets immortality for all his false teachings, but we just might get a chance to live if we just do enough for the WTBTS. The GB's position is secured with the new light on the hypothetical "Evil Slave." How convenient for them!