I have a multiple problem. It is misspelling as well as having omissions and sometimes extra words in my writing. I have a pretty good vocabulary and have learned the nuances of using a particular word that conveys a better meaning than some other synonym. But the real problem I have is the language pattern left over from my first language, Spanish. So often, I'll start a sentence, backspace to restructure it and leave an article or conjunction behind. That looks really strange when you see it. I have to re-read the sentence several times to figure out how it should be.
English is an infuriating language to learn compared to Romance languages. It seems it has more exceptions than rules. However, its dominance in the world can't be denied. When writing here (since the browser spell checker doesn't work when composing), I have to write in Word and then copy and paste. That will correct most misspellings but won't fix a correct word that was left over or omitted because my brain happened to be in another mode or because I'm having a scotch (or two) while on the forum. So, I don't come down on people for having bad spelling, unless they misspell something while trying to be insulting. I figure that if they want the insult to be effective, they should at least spell it correctly.