Thanks everyone, some really interesting replies!
@NY- I would like to read a book like that, I've not read much about American history. Perhaps I should start with him.
@likeabird- Yes, those are definitely the kind of books I like too.
@Giordano- I've read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Amongst a few others about WWII. One of the books about that era that gripped me was 'I Cannot Forgive' by Rudolph Vrba. He was a young Slovakian Jew who managed to survive for quite a long time in Auschwitz and finally escaped with a detailed report of what the Nazis had planned for the Hungarian Jews. An incredible story.
@bohm+FLN- I'll have to look that book out!
@Hortenzie- I've been wanting to read some good books on early christianity from a purely historical point of view. I'll keep that one in mind.
@Hortensia- I like mysteries but I have to admit that science books leave me cold! LOL If I want to learn anything about science I try and read articles, or else watch some good documentaries instead. I'm thinking about getting a tablet soon. I guess I'd be able to use that as an ereader too wouldn't I?
@TOTH- I've read a little about Marcus Aurelius. I think his philosophy on life is actually quite modern isn't it?