Scratch a Christian and see the Intolerance under the Skin

by fulltimestudent 40 Replies latest social current

  • Zoos

    because the Cooks Islands is a Christian country, no other form of worship should be permitted.

    I heard a similar comment by a retired S. Baptist preacher recently. We get together for bible discussions and are careful to respect each other’s differences but he got a little excited about how God Bless America was bending over backward to accommodate Muslims and other non-Christian religions.

    "This country was founded by Christians, for Christians!"

    We were discussing the book of Daniel, specifically where the three boys were thrown in the fire. Mr. Preacher man said that the command to bow down to that alter was Nebuchadnezzar's version of trying to unite all the various gods in to one harmonious act of worship.

    I thought, "huh?"

    "And that's what Obama is doing now. He's trying to make Christians accept all these other gods and I'LL NOT STAND FOR IT!"

    I thought, "Obama is doing... huh?"

    I quickly remembered how rabidly some of these American zealots, especially in the southern states, are as incapable of seeing the difference between God and America as Jehovah's Witnesses are of seeing the difference between the governing body and Jehovah. It's not an argument worth having with a fully indoctrinated drone. I let it drop and tried to steer the conversation back to neutral territory.

    I wish I had thought to ask him Tec's question:

    So how could there be a 'christian country' other than the one He is coming to establish?

  • designs

    Christianity has all sorts of prejudice built in- just labeling the human race as either "Saved" or "Unsaved" sets things off on the wrong road. A Fundamentalist on my Facebook page doesn't like that Muslim women are allowed to wear their Hijab, but it ok for him to wear a Cross go figure.

  • Fernando
  • designs

    Zoos- That's the mantra from a lot of those in the Fundamentalist/Evangelical camps.

  • Laika

    You don't come across as very tolerant here fulltimestudent.

    Perhaps you should spend more time considering your own reactions to others than worrying about other people. Change starts with you.

  • OnTheWayOut
  • Laika

    Did I miss the post where Tec said the pentecostal pastor was not a true Christian? Or are you just reading what you want to read so you can go on the attack?

  • 5go

    I have discovered recently that there is a diffrence between Christians and Fundies. I like Christians they are cool, Fundies on the other hand are the guys that send people to death camps no matter what religion the fundies belongs too, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, etc. They tend to call themselves the true belivers and look down other members of their own religion saying either they are blank in name only or not blank at all. BTW does that line of thinking ring a bell a couple of times?

  • designs

    5go- Do you mean the christians who acknowledge the Bible is flawed and accept modern science on the origin of the universe and life on this planet.

    To make any kind of progress christians have had to continually distance themselves from a literal interpretation of their holy book and its explanation of reality.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Yet again, Tec is wrong. Jesus spoke figuratively. Every major academic discipline acknowledges that a country may have an established religioin. In England, it is the Church of England. The United States was the first great exception. Yet our notions of religous freedom came from Great Britain and French philosophers of government. The American example is not as clear cut as most people believe. The Constituion of the United States barred establishments of religion by the federal government. Many colonies and states had official religions. It was not just Christianity. Massachusetts was Puritan. Maryland was Roman Catholic. The Founders knew that the colonies would never unite in a fight over which denomination should be the federal religion. Lutherans and Baptists noticed that many Episcoplians were active in the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Conventions. They knew a foreign government could invade at any moment. Spain and France sent ships to invade. The idea to just let the states do their own local thing gained currency.

    The Civil War changed our understanding of the Union. The federal Bill of Rights was incorporated to state action. Even without the Civil War, official state religions were losing favor. I don't know why. People don't like paying taxes or supporting religions not their own. I notice that some Euroepan countries collect taxes and distribute the money according to percentage of citizens active in each religion.

    Constantine made Christianity the official religion. It made Christianity main stream. A once persecuted group now became the in religion. Bishops who constantly feared death at any moment now became princes with large palaces. There may not be Christianity today without the support of Constantine. On the other hand, Christianity became wedded to government and secular power. The church split into Eastern and Western branches. Every state action was a church action. When countries went to war or negotiated treaties, cardnals and bishops oversaw the process. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Monasteries and convents were usually in more rural areas. There were serious power plays. Many abbots saw the Pope as corrupt and venal.

    This is actual history. To deny it and state on Jesus silly. Ask a Muslim wanting peace to worsihp Allah if the slaughter Christias committed came from other than Christ. Many members here never seem to leave the WT. Ask Jews slaughtered or ordered to leave home on a few moment's notice what they thought of Christ.

    In fairness, I believe all religions have blood guilt. Judaism wiped out Canannite people. Hindus have an even more sordid history of communal violence. One village will wipe out another based on a different favorite food or slight difference in accent. We can say Buddha, Jesus, Moses never did these things. Perhaps not but their followers did so in their names. This moment in America and here on this board is a great example. Tea Party Christians are a fragment of the majority. They cause the GOP to lose general elections. Yet my rights to worship, read books, and seek health care as a woman are challenged by them. They are the American Taliban. I will never forget Rick Santorum, a lawyer, lecturing Americans about how bad colleges are for faith. Do Rick's kids attend elite colleges? Hell, yes, but he needed votes from super ignorant voters. His attacks on learning and knowledge enabled him to win some primaries. This is a scary country. I can recall banned books. A fraction of members here don't want their crazy statements commented on. They demand rights for others not to think or voice opinions on a discussion forum. I truly don't believe that Jesus would agree. He lived life in community.

    To clarify, Jews had no ability to not be mocked by Romans. Romans also had respect for the God of the Jews. The emperor arranged for special prayers to be said by the Temple priests. Jesus' sayings become clearer every time a Pharisee disagrees with Jesus. Jesus did not withdraw. He taught. There is not a single instance of Jesus, striding into either Pilate' s office or the High Priest's office and crying like a wimp. "Oh, it is not fair. I am the son of man. How dare they?" No, he continued to preach and answered questions.

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