Service Meeting Part about Sisters Wearing Head Coverings

by TTATTelder 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Watkins

    I Really think that passage was talking to a particular instance of a particular cultural stigma at that particular time. I really, Really doubt that it applies now. Unless, of course, they are ex-prostitues who've had their heads shaved as punishment.... even then...?

    To have one's head closely cropped can be called "shorn". It applies to hair, not species. Hair is the 'head covering', imho.

    But it's the men in charge who've made a big to-do over these very ambiguous verses, making them into dogmatic ritual. It seems to me that it has nothing at all to do with anything but their control. :smile:



  • tiki

    it gets kinda tricky when you try to adapt first century cultural norms into the twenty-first century. if the head covering directives are to be taken to heart shouldn't all the brothers be growing out their beards so they would like like the first century Christians? They certainly wouldn't want to appear like clean-shaven Roman pagans......

  • whathappened

    I guess having your head shaved is better for a woman than being impregnated without prior consent or being raped and forced to marry your rapist, as the good god Jehovah directed to have happen to other women in the Bible.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Hmmm. I'll have to make sure my rebellious wife calls in to the KH tonight so she can mend her Jezebel ways!

    On second thought, maybe we'll just catch up on old episodes of Sons of Anarchy instead.


    p.s. check your PMs in a minute

  • piztjw

    Was this meant to be taken literal???...

    Well if it were to be taken literally, then why not take verse 15 literally?

    15 but if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her? For her hair is given to her instead of a covering .

    If they want a hat, or whatever because of the earlier verses, then this would be saying that a womans hair is the covering. They cannot have it both ways!

  • TTATTelder

    Thanks for the replies everybody.

    Thanks Blondie for the research.

  • leaving_quietly

    The WTS believes that "prophesying" is preaching and teaching, not predicting the future.

    Classic WTS: we are NOT prophets... no, we ARE prophets! <facepalm>

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Paul was a total a$shole. He never met Jesus and he taught an entirely different slavery to a new law of his own creation. Don't forget that in 1 Cor. 14:34 he clearly states that women should say NOTHING in the congregation.

    Continuing in 1 Cor. 11:7, Paul explains that "a man ought not to have his head covered..." The context is clear that he's not just talking about when preaching or prophecying but EVER. So men should never wear hats. And since it's supposedly a dishonor for men to have long hair in 11:14, shouldn't men shave their heads?

    To top off the idiocy of Paul, he concludes with 11:10, "That is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority upon her head because of the angels." ... Because of the angels? Seriously? What does that mean? Will the angels be stumbled because a hatless woman prays in the presence of her 11-year-old baptized son? I suspect that Paul was hinting at the notion that the angels are still horny for women and that the women needed to wear hats to remind the angels that women only belonged to men and not available to the angels.

    Paul, if he even existed, was a nut of epic proportions.

  • Listener

    Just recalling how this issue of women's head coverings was raised. There were instructions for JW sisters to wear head coverings at the door if she is conducting a study and a male JW is with her in the Nov 2013 KM.

    Ttattelder posted the scripture that this idea is based on and it made me realize once again just how sexist the org is.


    1Cor. 11: 4 states -

    "4)Every man who prays or prophesies with something on his head shames his head"

    Here in Australia hats were very common prior to the 70s and brothers often wore them out witnessing. Then again in the 90s hats once again made their appearance, we were warned of how dangerous the sun is here (apparently we have a hole in the ozone layer) and the problem of increasing the risk of skin cancers. I have seen the brothers go out in door to door work wearing a hat, it's a sensible thing to do.

    I have not come across any instructions for brothers not to wear a hat whilst preaching or whilst giving a study at the doorstep. The GB once again prove how sexist they are and how they love lording it over the sisters.

  • bruh2012

    Did you notice vss 16:

    16 However, if anyone wants to argue in favor of some other custom, we have no other, nor do the congregations

    of God. (bold words mine).

    After 30 years I never thought to read out the rest of conversation! So was Paul speaking of a Jewish Custom that still exist today in the garb of arab women or culture and just not head covering ???


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