I think the remaining ones left are Kool-Aid drinkers and virtually brain dead.
Are Most of the Witnesses That You Know Of Die Hard JWs?
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
In the sense of being really excited about going in the ministry and participating in meetings and looking very theocratic -- most are NOT that way.
However in the sense of never wanting to leave the religion, most I saw were emotionally stuck to it. Otherwise, why would they put up with the boring meetings and the personality conflicts and having to drag coolers from their car to the assembly site? Maybe "dyed in the wool" would be a way to describe most of the regular meeting attenders.
Yes, as far as they are concerned it is the ultimate truth. Even though they may question some things, I've heard them say....."I don't understand this or that, but I ain't going no where".... One woman said she came to the truth, not so much for the doctrine but for the comfort & peace.....Some of them have some upside down lives, so the hall is where they get their comfort & love....
I even know someone who was DF'd (now re-instated), she says, where else can we go, but one thing for sure, she is not brain dead...she says, the Society is going to have to answer to God, they will all get their day in court...She has helped me to look past the imperfection & says, just serve God, don't worry about man.
Yes, including my Daughter.
In the past year or so I have talked to every Jdub I know (know well, I mean) about TTATT. The fact that I even got to talk to any of them (all of them knew I had become "opposed") means they are at least open to listen to a voice they know.
I agree however that almost all of them are unwilling to search out new input without being coerced, or at least persuaded, into doing so. (I was, I stumbled over my stumbling block)
mentally lazy
I don't think that running around in a stupid little circle is lazy, just ill informed.
I only ran the track because I didn't know off road was an option.
To be a die-hard J W one must also be a "Kool-Aid drinker" and brain dead. If they were to excercise their mind they would consider the same objections to it as we do.
Truth is that they know that these gaping holes in the reasoning are there, but they just do not care. They laugh off the failed expectations for the end. It is like a badge of honour to say that you really expected it all to be past by now, but no matter - we just keep on trusting .....They know that they cannot successfully defend the generation teaching but they just accept it anyway.
It all reminds me of the horse called "Boxer" in Orwell's 'Animal Farm' . Whatever setback occured, whatever failure on the part of the ruling pigs, his motto was "I will work harder" . Boxer ended up in the knacker's yard , having been promised a happy retirement....
what's a knacker?
I think the remaining ones left are Kool-Aid drinkers and virtually brain dead.
I think there are many still "in" who don't really drink the Kool-Aid anymore. I mean, they are NOT REALLY "believers". They're just in it like many Catholics are Catholics. They were born into the relgion. Their parents and family and friends are all in the same "parish". They're indifferent. They don't really believe all that "End-Times-Armageddon-is-a-coming-soon" stuff. It's just easier to stay "in" and be apathetic than rock the boat. Most don't understand the doctrines and never did. For them it's easy to just continue to drift along with the crowd.
On the other hand, many here are deeply concerned about doctrine, scripture, and doctrinal change. When they see the lies and deception, they simply cannot contientiously remain a part of it. I'm constantly amazed by the depth of knowledge many of the posters here have with history as well as the Bible itself.
Many others here have been harmed mentally or emotionally where they couldn't tolerating staying -- be it right or wrong.
Others were "thrown out" (DFd) and didn't have a choice. Some with battle scars. Some with antimosity.
But of the 8 million who are "in", I think most are going through the motions and would follow along . . . . right off the cliff. So...maybe that is what you mean Minimus by "Kool-Aid drinkers". (??)