Not only did I have the fortune of being raised a Dub, but I also live in the heart of Mormonism, good old SLC. My wife went to LDS church today and says she is going to start going every week. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHH.
I live here amidst the Mormans and that is usually okay because I have non-LDS family and friends. More importantly I have my own home as a refuge. Now that is no longer the case. I work at a Morman owned company, I have my LDS inlaws next door (they are great people), and now I may have LDS bullshit in my home.
My family is free to choose, including my children, but this religion is different in my opinion. My wife thinks it is harmless, and I will admit that there are many good people who are LDS, but I think it is NOT. If you have ever lived here or around Mormans then you should know what I am talking about, especially with children. I am not talking pedophilia, I am talking about the rape of the mind and it has already begun. HELLLLLLLPPPP!!!!!1