One of the reasons the watchtower is having problems with donations is because they have refuse to let go of wholesale across the board shunning. The average publisher is sick of it and Jehovah is withholding his full blessing. When you do not show love to fellow humans you run the risk of not being able to show love which I'm turn has a direct relationship to your Joy in turn if your not happy your not motivated to donate lots of money to and arrangement you perceive as unloving all you bethel lurkers convey this message to bro letters and rest of GB stop trying to convince fair minded people to support unloving shunning
as long as shunning continues donations will be slow
by poopie 24 Replies latest jw friends
The Searcher
Sorry to say, but no one - and that includes the G.B. itself - would be allowed to cancel the Org's shunning policy.
The faceless men who really run this corporation, know that the terror of shunning is the only thing which is keeping the greater part of 8 million people joined to this religious travesty!
Drop the shunning and J.W. congregations around the world would disintegrate!
There has been considerable debate on here as to weather the move of the U.S head quarters to a more remote area will cause it to become more extreme and isolated from main stream society. From a financial perspective I can't see this happening. The religion desperately needs educated wealthy people, and the more hard core they become the more harder it will be to attract, maintain and retain such ones. -
The 'wisdom' from the WT has been, for decades, to simplify your life, work less, don't educate yourself, don't accept promotions, quit your job if you aren't allowed to take off for an assembly, don't move for a better job; move to where the need is greater (usually in a rural area with limited positive income opportunities), don't better yourself today. Live for the future....
Now the organization is reaping what it has sown.
To make matters worse, Jehovah's Witnesses currently have the worse record for membership retention (three out of five kids raised in "the truth" leave (or become barely active) in adulthood. And, few people become members as a result of the door to door activity.
It amazes me that individuals are not informed of this extreme practice when they are persuaded to study Gods word with Jehovah's witnesses. I only found out about this practice/policy many years after I joined. Thank God this is not a policy the catholic church follow. my life would have been hell for the past 24 years since becoming a Jehovah's witness. Watchtower .......YOU HAVE TO REFORM NOW!!!! -
James Mixon
Forgiveness and shunning. After years of shunning when does it turn
to hate. When do you begin hating your father, mother, sister or brother
because they refuse to come back to the borg. They tell you, I still love you
but down deep that love turns to hate for some, others they
are sick of shunning their daughter, son, sister and brother.
It is not normal..
Yes I agree.
When still in I made a personal pledge to not donate till shunning was abolished.
I always hated it and I know many current jw's do.
I had a family member who was a elder say the same thing to me.
He stated secretly many hate this policy and are waiting for it to be reversed.
My best revenge tactic is when I attend a assembly / rarely, I get as many publications as I can and purposely don't donate.
It's my one finger salute to the watchtower.
Last assembly I wrote on the toilet holder.
These f'ing idiots like to play dirty I play dirty back.
I have successfully faded out but still have my jw family intact and am able to mix amongst my jw friends and have actually pulled a friend out of the cult aswell. This friend has also successfully faded out and has now pulled his/her partner out aswell.
The domino effect......
In the borgs mind the only disaffected ones are those that do not truly believe...
There will still be so many stupid sheeple that will still leave their life savings or their insurance to the corrupt org. Yes I agree that many children of dubs do not carry on the stupidity which is intelligent, when you kick someone often enough they become wary.
Shunning / disfellowshipping is amoral. I'm sure somewhere along the line of this long life we have in front of us the borg will self disintegrate and I hope I'm here to see it happen.
When they are prosecuted or threatened with losing their tax exempt status in countries that adopt the position that "shunning" over a person's religion is a "Hate Crime" they will publicly change their policy on it, just as they did on voting. But we all know that "in" the Borg, there will always be the command to fear and hate "apostate thinking".
I say it all the time.... End the shunning policy and 1/3 are gone immediately, another third in 2 years. It will never end. I think they know it would end the org as it stands today. It will never end.