As I mentioned before in previous posts I'm trying to prepare myself for an exit of the borg. So what I've been doing over the last few days is thinking of ways to counter the questions that I know will be directed to me. In particular how would you go about responding to the following questions?
If you leave the truth how will you be following the scripture "do not be forsaking the gathering of yourselves together"?
In turn that questions is usually followed up by them loosely quoting Peter where else are you going to go to? (Thanks to the people on this board I realize now that Peter said who and not where, but most JWs insist that you must be with a group (theirs) in order to serve God)
A few months back I was speaking with an elder about the scripture in Deuteronomy pertaining to false prophecy. He basically tried to pass it off by saying that scripture only applied to the false prophets of the other nations during that time period. While I disagree with his notion that the scripture has only a limited scope I would like to be able to use other scriptural texts of idenitifying false prophets. Any suggestions?
I realize some of my questions and posts are a bit rendundant, but please bear with me. I'm still kind of nervous about the whole ordeal, this is probably the biggest decision I've ever made in my 29 years.
thanks for any info