Hi, Waiting, and all others concerned about this Amicus Brief:
Just to set the record straight - I have been a legal secretary for over 20 years, and I assure you there is nothing shady about the Society filing an Amicus Brief in regard to this Swaggart thing. An Amicus Brief is filed in cases in which the verdict could set a precedent that would or could have an adverse affect on other parties not involved in the suit (i.e., other religious organizations, corporations, etc.). In this case, if the Court should find that Jimmy Swaggart's organization should be taxed, then they can apply that ruling to any number of other religious organizations also, including the Watchtower Society. So, by filing this Brief, they are in NO WAY implying that they are in support of or are "friends of" Jimmy Swaggart, nor are they endorsing his organization or beliefs. What it is saying, and ALL it is saying is: WE TOO OBJECT to this lawsuit for all the reasons stated by the defendant's attorneys, as any decision made against Swaggart's organization stands to do great harm to OUR organization as well.
Clear as mud? Hope it helps some.