Your Political Colours.

by Englishman 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    How left or right are you? Are you a libertarian or an authoritarian? Which political party comes closest to your views? Find out by taking this 'political colour test':;jsessionid=see61u4df1


  • gsx1138

    Kind of what I thought they would be. I would be more Republican if they would stop associating themselves with the Nazi par.....christian coalition. Democrats on the other hand just feel the need to hand carry everyone through life.

    Labour (32)
    Liberal Democrat (41)
    Conservative (27)

    on the left/right scale I'm a little to the left but just about center.

    Dear Lord, please save me from your followers.

  • AjaxMan

    I'm leaning to the right though still centered.
    I scored 15% on the Libertarian scale (leaning more toward Not Libertarian).

    Liberal Democrat(14)
    Conservative (56)

    I guess that makes me a Conservative. I'm what you call a Moderate Republican as I don't agree with the Religious Right and the Christian Coalition. Yet, I don't agree with Democrats as they want more Government control and like to get involved in other people's business.

  • LB

    Hmmm, guess I'm not as middle of the road as I thought.

    Labour (22)
    Liberal Democrat (8)
    Conservative (70)

    Still don't like the religious right at all

    I think the conservative aspect comes from not trusting the government to do much of anything right.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • gsx1138

    I want the old republican party back before they sold their soul to the christian right. I always thought it was somewhat of an oxymoron(maybe not the right word) to say you want less government intrusion into peoples lives then try to pass laws that tell people how they should live.

    Dear Lord, please save me from your followers.

  • D8TA

    Labour (34)
    Liberal Democrat (50)
    Conservative (16)

    Do I get a cookie now? :)~


  • ThiChi

    E-man: What was your score??????????????

  • borgfree

    I'm taking down the names of everybody turning left

    BTW, Conservative (73)

  • bakedcanuck

    Labour (45)
    Liberal Democrat (42)
    Conservative (13)

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    My results seem to have been colored by my continued animous towards The Crown for past taxation without representation policies in the colonies.

    "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College

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