Cog and anyone else reading this - Focus is the man. We are unlikely ever to see anyone else with his wit, intellect or pure brain power posting here or anywhere else. It's not hard to check out his posts through the members list. If anyone thinks this is war, Focus is an example of how to go about demolishing reformers and other drop kicks who muddy the moat. .. and he was a lot of fun too (a tad intense at times but - I'd hate to share a room with the mad bastard lol). unclebruce
Updated list of Watchtower RANKS (*not* Classes!)
by Focus 25 Replies latest jw friends
feeling a bit.... speechless?
unclebruce, my friend - here. Hope you will be too, in due course.
Other wars - and "life, enjoyment of" - occupied my time and resources in the interregnum. I am legion, but only one.
Now - "we" clearly won the first series of battles. The internet is, and has for years been, "ours". The Spiritual Pimps shall not claim it.
But the second, conclusive, series of battles - Armageddon for the Great Whore, perhaps - must be in the courts, to hold her legally and thus financially accountable for her innumerable harlotries and the enormous damage she has perpetrated, over the later part of her 140 years of existence, to millions of victims, both members and their loved-ones.
Damage to quality of life, happiness and to mental health.
A much harder battle. Elsewhere in JWn, I've outlined the towering legal hurdles.
Volunteers welcomed. A lot of resources are already at our disposal.
She has over $10 billion in real estate, much of it within the reach of courts in legal domiciles where the concept of such damages is not wholly absurd.
If we tarry for decades, she'll have tucked most of it in less accessible places.
"Eyes on the Prize"
Even if we cannot succeed (parallels to the Tobacco War?), the fear it will put into her may cause her to do much of what the reformers seek. But I think we could succeed.
("WAR" Class)
P.S. As I'm upsetting too many Papios, or for whatever reason, I have a lowered post-quota. The questions below from tornapart are answered above and with "depends where the J.C. proceeding was. For many countries, better to make the youtube account setup and insertion only when suitably cloaked. Start with "
Focus.. you mention no.98, One who attempts to tape a JC proceeding. So what if he/she actually DOES tape and then goes and posts it on Youtube?
Btw.. I noticed you have a rather large gap between your posts....several years in fact.... what happened?