Has anyone read a letter or heard of English-speaking congos being shut down in Mexico? An Elder told me that this was happening, and that it was based on a "scriptural precedent." Sounds like downsizing with a made-up BS reason to me. Anyone??
by DATA-DOG 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
Has anyone read a letter or heard of English-speaking congos being shut down in Mexico? An Elder told me that this was happening, and that it was based on a "scriptural precedent." Sounds like downsizing with a made-up BS reason to me. Anyone??
I am currently serving and no I haven't heard of or seen any letters on that.
It probably would be a specific type thing that only people involved with that would be privy to.
Side Note: We did get a letter stating send your Phillipines relief money to the WWW. Also you can specify relief money on your check, but can't say where you want it sent. So they make no promises.
Translated: Send us all the relief money you want. It will make you feel good and we can make interest on it. God Bless.
don't know about mexico, but i know that in some central american countries english congregations are doing just fine. local people use them to learn english, people who got sent back from the USA find a community of their language, visitors from canada and the USA give talks and show how spiritual they are by speaking proper english.
they did close the bethel there, but the english congregations i know are growing.
Can't remember exactly what was said, but heard that the english
speaking witnesses are being told to go home!
Clarity, that's what this Elder said. We just had a WT article about obeying theocratic procedure too. I guess the GB can tell you where to live now. I would tell them to kiss my a** and go where I wanted to go. They don't pay for the rank and file to go where the need is great. Anyone who listens to them is an idiot. If they dissolved my congregation then I would use that opportunity to disappear!
Anyone else heard about this? I will try to get some info. Was a letter read only to those in Mexico perhaps??
Yup it correct. I've heard from 2 people in Mexico it's all over.
Any more info on this?
Yes, I have. The english cong was split into two about 2 years ago (maybe slightly less) and have now be merged into one again. Not sure what the official explanation was - family don't talk about witness things to me and this was mentioned in passing.
Ran into a friend at an Assembly 2 months ago named R.R. He has been in Mexico serving as an Elder for the past 8 years. Him and his wife were having 23 Bible Studies a month all with Spanish people, although they were in an English Congregation(the spanish wanted to learn English).
Then a letter from the Branch said that English study with English, Spanish with Spanish.
That left everyone in the Congregation without Bible studies. English friends started leaving Mexico, including R.R. with his wife.
He said 7 English Congregations disbanded in his area.
Very, very interesting.