Yes, according to JWs rules, the month October was the significant part of 1914 for the end of the "appointed times", thus "about 1914" is in reference to the latter part of 1914. In JW rules WW1 sort of sanwhiched the 1914-1918 42 month period of Rev11:2-3 (Dan7:25; 12:7) by 5 months on each side approximate. But the "appointed times of the nations" began a couple months before that December 1914 marker of the 42 months, a little after the commencement of WW1. So the end of the "appointed times" does not exactly correspond to the start of the 42 months in JW rules.
Just a side note of why they may term it approximate. The timing of 42 months had to be determined after the fact. The dating of October 1914 was calculated before 1914. It's significance was adjusted later, as was the significance of the League of Nations manifestation first explained later. In those days, unlike the 3rd UN manifestation of 1990, which JWs took part in "placing" but make no mention as to Biblical significance (Dan11:31b), early JWs took UN related, world war ending, manifestations quite seriously.
Today's Bethel instead is UN NGO and aided world proclmation of the 3rd UN placement of 1990, quoting global "placement" quotes in Awake! 9/8/1991 as George Bush Sr. "New world order" mantra aids, echoed another 70 times in WT publications between 1991 to 2001 as JWs became free advertisers of the 8th Kingdom UN system. That is how we know Bethel aided fulfillment of Daniel 11:30b-32a as "those leaving the holy covenant"; a "holy covenant", according to JW 1918-1922 rules, that Christendom was not even in in 1945 erred interpretation or 1990 Bethel fulfillment of that prophecy after a marked, unique, cold war as per Dan11:29.
They stick to certain JW rules, but demolish all the others, so as to remain concealed as Bethel is now converted to a UN annex. (Dan11:41; Matt24:15; Luke 21:20). It's a classic subversion, but due to JW naivette very easy to accomplish since after WW2 and the 1945 2nd UN placement which JWs did expound as prophecy. Today's JWs work for UN overall developmental concealment; (Dan8:12b).
Even King North, an easy to see 8th King meaning from 3rd UN placment to 4th UN placment of Dan11:30-45, is all covered up at Bethel (for 22 years) for a ridiculous claim the USSR places the UN "disgusting thing" in 1945, though both them and the Nazi's were not UN members or fully defunct prior to that placement, leaving only one world power connected to UN presentation. The 8th King and Anglo-American elite systems. But this was the post cold war 3rd UN placement in reality, as Bethel went UN NGO instead, and diverts that prophecy and Dan8:11-13 parallels.
JWs thus conceal easy to affirm world events, with WW2 fictional versions that aid the duping of the average JW, as Bethel is pro UN agency.