My father has been suffering from Alzheimer's for a couple of years now. My mother keeps referring to his hallucinations as demons. I haven't been to the hall in a while, I've been fading for 20 years now, but I find this amazing! How can you turn a medical condition into something dealing with demons? My mother thinks that going to the hall and becoming more spiritual will help my father. I'm starting to wonder if she isn't suffering from something now. Has anyone else heard of this type of nonsense?
Alzheimer's hallucinations are demons?
by Once Blind 22 Replies latest jw experiences
Please help your Mother to understand the disease, and the course it will follow, she needs to be prepared.
At the same time assure her that the "demons" idea is nonsense.
Faithful Witness
Once Blind:
I am an outsider, but wanted to respond to this question, in light of some comments made by our Baptist preacher a couple of weeks ago.
He suggested that there was a direct connection between our physical health, and our spiritual health. He made a statement close to, "If you are suffering from some physical ailment, pain or sickness, you have some sins that need to repent."
I would like to note that we go to a very small church, and his sermon was heard by a congregation that is about 70% senior citizens, many of whom have chronic pain and physical ailments that often go along with getting older. I was sitting there thinking, why don't I have these ailments? I'm a sinner...
- I have a personal observation that I made this week, in Matthew 9. There is the story of the paralytic that was brought by his friends for healing. It took four men to carry him. The crowd was so great, and the faith and perseverance of his friends was so strong, they took drastic measures to get to Jesus. They cut a hole in the roof, and lowered the man down in his bed. When Jesus saw them, he said, "Your sins are forgiven." That was probably not what they expected to hear (haha). The message here? What is more important? Forgiveness of sins or healing?"
As far as the "demons" of alzheimer's disease?? ... I would explain to your mother that this there is actually a chemical change in your father's brain. It has to be very difficult for her to live and watch her husband go through these confusing times. I am sorry to hear that your family is going through this. People get older, bodies fail. It is good that you are there to help them both through this process.
My parents are new JW's, and I will tell you that my mother's health has actually taken a turn for the worse since she was baptized. The stress that the JW's are under right now, is manifesting itself physically within the congregation. She has a rash that appears at random on her face or body, along with the exaserbation of existing medical conditions she has suffered for years.
Meeting attendance and field service are NOT going to improve your father's physical or mental health. From what I understand, Alzheimer's is a degenerative disease.
My jw said the same thing about a relative with alzheimer/dementia issues, turns out it was the meds, or demons depending on your own nutso status. If the demons/hallucinations stop for no reason and they don't go to kh then what? the demons left for no apparent reason? it's not like a jw would pray for a non jw, right?
Phizzy: quite correct.
Once blind: Alzheimers is brain disease and there several medications that can be of great help to delay it or settle the 'victim'. I am not talking about 'zonking the patient out' but dealing with their situation on an individual basis. These medications are excellent today.
"Going to the Kh and becoming more spiritual" is standard wt bs. If the mans case is yet mild perhaps going to the hall and the association will be helpful but he will become progressively affected, be disruptive in various ways.
I suggest strongly to anyone affected here (especially your mother) and that is the person diagnosed and their immediate families start doing some reading up on this. There are some very good texts available. Contact any Support group locally for help.
It is possible mother may have some dementia there.
Dementia is behaviours, alzheimers is a brain disease.
If i can help please send me a PM.
Once Blind
Phizzy--I've tried to explain to her what I've learned from research about the disease, but because I'm not going to the hall no one in my family who goes to the hall actually listens to me anymore. So, whenever she says this I just clam up until she finishes.
Faithful Witness--Thanks for your thoughtful words. It's almost like JW's are in denial whenever one becomes sick. Also, with the new system being "right around the corner" constantly, reality doesn't have a chance in my parent's house.
Once Blind
I agree Carla.
Zeb, thanks for the info. Also, I agree, I think my mother may developing dementia too.
......and then there is the remote possibilty that the word 'demon', as used here, might mean anything that any of us suffer from. The term 'demon rum' has been used to describe any kind of alcohol for someone suffering from alcoholism. A 'demon' can be anything that plagues you.
Modern science has explained the phenomena of “daemons” in a very simple way. The demons or ghosts, many people have been fighting against, and struggle at, are simply neuron flashes in our brains. This is working very much as a dream when you are sleeping. It could as well be a nightmare very true in your brain and causing you sweat and breathe heavily. But when you wake up it all seems very true.
Several old Greek philosophers discussed the subject, but could not naturally explain it with “neuron attacks”. During the history (you will recognize several stories from the Bible) together with earlier Christian ascetics you will find many people who most probably today instead of being hailed as good Christians, should have a diagnose. Severe forms of hallucinations, is easy for a good physician to diagnose as f.ex. Schizophrenia. There are several other “diagnoses” that could cause hallucinations.
Think of the fact, that during thousands of years, people round the world have been fighting daemons only existing in their own head. Millions of children have been scared at trolls, St. Claus, fairy’s, elfs, fairy tells that adults has find up to explain their own fear.
" If you are suffering from a physical ailment, pain or sickness , you have some sins that need to repent "
Hello there Faithful Witness
I bet if you kept track of the things that pastor said , you might be inclined to leave that particular church
I do believe there can be a direct connection between what a person may believe and thier physical health
Different things give people comfort, whether they believe in God or not
" My parents are new JW's , and I will tell you my mothers health actually took a turn for the worst "____Faithful Witness
So true, I went from bein' on one blood pressure med to bein' place on two
After I left about six months later. I went back down to bein' place on one prescription
I also had become more stressed and depresed at times
and shed more tears bein' associated wit the " Happiest people on earth " than anywhere else