" Let me commend you for addressing the fact that sisters have few marriage options."
Yes, this is obvious by the way I'm treated every time I visit the hall (which is only at the Memorial, every year). I bring my parents, but I do not bring my wife (or children) to the hall. She/they has/have no JW history prior to me, and find(s) the entire thing to be a freak show that she/they refuse(s) to have anything to do with. When I do take my parents to the Hall, the "sisters" are on me like flies on a fresh doberman steamer.
In my younger years, I was flattered by this treatment. Now, when it occurs, I am sad for the "sisters" who are so desperate for a man that they throw themselves at the first new guy they see in their hall.
Last year, I was told by one of them, "we'd really like to see you again at the Hall soon." My response, which was stated as I was about to drive away, was: "I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon as well, and can't wait to do that, next year, at about this time."