It's all just part of a massively orchestrated distraction production. And it is quite effective at producing the intended diversion, which allows a more fully successful subversion, very gradual, now systemic in all it's parts and terminal. Counting minutes, hours, days, months and years, along with the various congregational and personal "gnats" to strain and "straws" to remove to please the remote rafter-eyed Lords of the Faith and their inquisitional local stars of the show caring that sin burden, has JWs focused on everything but God and Christ and actually studying the Bible. (Eph5:17).
JWs have been successfully derailed, stalled, diverted, distracted and hypnotized. It is soon time for coup-de-grace. As long as Satan and the demons appear in nice suits making grandiose hyperpious claims, JWs accept those Bethel superfine apostles as Catholics do the Pope. (2Cor11:13-15)
For this phase of JW development and history, now retrograde in everything but literal cessation of the ministry, JWs are pretty much done in spirit, and no better than the ones we point to as classic examples of unfaithfulness. The overall JW delusion complex aids the overall distraction from the overall JW spiritual reality; (Zech3:1-3).
JWs have no faith in God, plain and simple. No faith in Christ. No faith in the Word. JWs have faith diffused towards men and manmade organizational idols of gold, stone and wood - and that faith will be tested and desolated. (Dan8:13; 1Pet4:17)
A remnant is all that will come out of JWs after they are handed to their UN lovers. There was plenty of sowing at Bethel, now it is time soon for the reaper to reap some weeds.
(Jeremiah 17:5) This is what Jehovah has said: “Cursed is the able-bodied man who puts his trust in earthling man ...