Excuse me but I know a few things about the First Amendment and free speech. I see no threat to Christianity. It is the dominant religion in America. There may be threats to minority religions. Please tell me one recent U.S. Supreme Court decision curtailing free speech. What I know is happening is that the Establishment Clause, requiring separation of church and state, has been weakened by recent Supreme Court decisions. To be honest, though, the Court reflects the political process. The faith based cases are running 5-4 so one justice might tip the balance. I believe in strong separation of church and state. Reading history, though, the exact intent of the Founders was never stated.
Free Speech Under Attack And How This Will Affect JWs
by lambsbottom 16 Replies latest jw friends
Barrold Bonds- yes well society of Noah's day told him the same.
Condemnation without Investigation is the Height of Ignorance.
Guess the 'clergy response teams' are B.S too.
It seems that of all 'christians' JW mostly have their head in the sand or elsewhere dare I say.
Band on the Run
I have no idea what is going on. This is senseless.
Barrold Bonds
just a heads up everyone, as soon as someone mentions 'chemtrails' you can pretty much discount anything they have to say.
The REALITY of S.A.G Stratospheric Aerosol Geo Engineering is INDISPUTABLE and to DENY is: FOOL is YOU.
In this age of information, Ignorance is a Choice. Oh, the beauty and wonder of the internet .A wealth of information that we as a society have never had access to in the past/history. All that is required is a Desire to Know Truth. Search and you will undoubtedly find….and the Truth WILL set you FREE….from all the LIES….Real Eyes Realize Real Lies
It will take no more than a few minutes of your time to find that the subject of S.A.G aka ‘chemtrails is based on verifiable fact and is something that EVERYONE should be informed of because this AFFECTS everyone living and breathing….duh.
S.A.G is a military op that has many applications but is largely used for Weather Manipulation with the use of ‘aerosol dispersal In conjunction with HAARP. HAARP evolved from Tesla technology, and was used in the Vietnam War. Google search: “Ben Livingstone Father of Weaponized Weather”. This is from the perspective of a participant, to create ‘hurricanes and the like to devastate populations and get one over the enemy. I do not know how to attach pdf file here so will provide the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKl9rqw1Ykw
Veteran weather modification expert Ben Livingston is a former Navy Physicist who briefed President Lyndon B. Johnson on the effectiveness of weather control back in the 1960's during the Vietnam era, when he was involved in cloud seeding programs that worked to slow down the advance of Vietnamese and Korean troops. Livingston asserts that asserts that hurricane control was a national priority of the government more than 40 years ago and that the technology was fully operational to control the weather at the time
http://www.scribd.com/doc/2450461/Weather-Modification-During-Vietnam-War-Senate-Hearing-1974 U.S Senate hearing in 1974 on weather modification use in Vietnam. Google search: U.S senate Hearing 1974 weather modification Vietnam
http://www.fas.org/man/eprint/leitenberg/weather.pdf This is CASE STUDY 2
the Evolution of an R&D Program into a Weapon System in reference to Vietnam.
This is another interesting document, a research paper presented to U.S Airforce 2025: http://csat.au.af.mil/2025/VOLUME3/vol3ch15.pdf
Entitled “Weather as a Force Multiplier- Owning the Weather by 2025.
http://csat.au.af.mil/2025/index.htm Google search: Owning the Weather
The main components of the aerosols dispersed in our skies largely contain nano particulate aluminium oxide, barium and strontium along with other nasties. http://www.slideshare.net/ThaneCHeins/un-ban-on-chem-trail-geo-engineering-2010 This is a link addressing the U.N ban on Geo engineering and Devastating effects on Human Health and the Environment. Google search: U.N Ban on Geo engineering:https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=air+force+site%3Acsat.au.af.mil%2F2025%2F#hl=en&lr=&q=united+nations+ban+on+geo+engineering
What goes up must come down, with that unfortunately comes exposure not only ourselves but the environment oceans and waterways. What has/is put into the atmosphere and its effects CANNOT be REVERSED. The effects of S.A.G aka ‘chemtrails’ has been scientifically documented on the soil for example, the heavy metals dispersed are raising the acidity of the soils worldwide affecting plant life..hey pretty soon the only thing growing will be the ‘Monsanto’ patented aluminium resistant crops..laughing/crying out LOUD. http://amazingdiscoveries.org/09.01.22-aluminum-resistant-seeds The effects of S.A.G also affect biodiversity something also upon which life on this planet is dependant. Here is a link to Government and Scientific Research documents: http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/documents-2/
This link gives access to lab reports, ph sampling and military ‘contrail’ observations. http://globalskywatch.com/reference/chemtrails-geoengineering/Francis-Mangels-Observations.htmlFrancis Mangels is a retired scientist from the US Dept of Agriculture with 35 years of service. He has a Bachelor’s in Forestry cum laude from The International School of Forestry at the University of Montana, and a Masters in Zoology from Montana University. Additional education qualified him under CS for minors in Botany, geology, chemistry, range, wildlife management, fisheries, entomology, hydrology, agriculture, ecology, environmental studies, parks/recreation management, soil conservation, and related fields of natural sciences. He also is a member of Xi Sigma Pi and a part-time college professor.
What is also extremely alarming is the scientifically documented effects of ‘Aerosolized Nano Particulate Aluminium Oxide Effects on the BRAIN” which interestingly has a synergistic effect with exposure to FLUORIDE http://www.chem.uw.edu.pl/chemanal/toc/abs53_6/06wan.pdf
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9ZW6CMZKmI This is Dr Russell Blaylock interview Feb 13 appearing on trunews a Christian alternative source for global news analysis and commentary.
You will discover some interesting news with a different view of what is happening out there in our world.
. …..the joke is really on US…..our IGNORANCE is not leading us off into BLISS but OBLIVION this as evidenced by the AVAILABLE VERIFIABLE INDISPUTABLE SCIENTIFIC …’FACTS’
This subject is no longer in the realm of CONSPIRACY THEORISTS.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA1YZzI0wSs Al Gore Publicly Admits To Chemtrails Aerosol Spraying Projects
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhQ0-xfdp_c Dr Rosalind Peterson Geo enigineering destroying our Atmosphere.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X10W8i3myI Dr Francis Mangles Consciousness beyond Chemtrail interview into effects of S.A.G on the Environment
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cgbpb-S4Zo4 Scott Stevens Meteorologist Consciousness beyond chemtrail conference 2012.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1zYutUPghg Dane Wigington Geo engineering Why You Should Care. Consciousness beyond chemtrail conference p1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUky2jONuOQ Dane Wigington p2
USAF Enviromental Specialist Kristen Meghan Blows Whistle On Air Force-Chemtrails. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAxXyMAmBMs anyway here’s a start, rest is for you, you just have to have the motivation. This was just a quick response I could have provided so much more.
I apologize to everyone else here I didn’t want to hijack the initial post on free speech but felt that Barrold Bond’s remarks were quite uncalled for and was a display of his complete ignorance and arrogance, that being his choice but don’t go condemning others because of your ignorance nor try to stifle their expression of free speech with snide remarks with absolutely no foundation.
Just thought I'd include/conclude with an extensive list of patents relating to S.A.G 'chemtrails'
And the U.N Weather Weapons Treaty 1976:http://www.cooperazioneallosviluppo.esteri.it/pdgcs/italiano/Scheda_paese/iraq/Pdf/Weather_Weapon_Treaty.pdf
.....the link appears to be Italian but the PDF Treaty document is in english.