'Anointeds' Do you know any and if so what are they like ?

by Introvert 2 59 Replies latest jw experiences

  • stuckinarut2

    It always amazes me that most of those claiming to be anointed were very dysfunctional people with dysfunctional backgrounds!

    Somehow they couldn't maintain a strong marriage or raise good children, or have strange personalities, or couldnt maintain a strong job, but they are worthy of ruling in heaven?

    Yup, sure, makes sense.....

  • truthseeker100
    Brother Jeramy you said on another post that you are still an active witness. Do you still go in field service? And if you do aren't you afraid of indoctrinating others with certain aspects of the JW religion that you don't agree with? I ask respectively?
  • millie210
    It always amazes me that most of those claiming to be anointed were very dysfunctional people with dysfunctional backgrounds!
    Somehow they couldn't maintain a strong marriage or raise good children, or have strange personalities, or couldnt maintain a strong job, but they are worthy of ruling in heaven?

    I agree. The one from California that is married to a C.O. has one child...that child (a young adult) is DFd.

    The annointed 40 something year old runs around with double piercings in her ears (NOT the way the handout on how to dress when visiting Bethel shows) and tight skirts and somehow that is overlooked in her.

    I guess God told her directly that it was ok....

  • rebel8
    If being anointed was real, it would make more sense for it to be a secret. You don't know until the rapture--surprise!
  • Awake at last
    Awake at last

    When I was a child in Melbourne in the 60's we had the most beautiful and wonderful remnant sisters. I called them Auntie Eva, Auntie Rith, Auntie Enid and Auntie Ada. They were all single sisters and special pioneers and special ladies in their own ways. It was a privilege to have met them and there was no doubt in my mind or anyone else's that they were all genuine anointed sisters.

    However, later we moved to NSW Australia, to the Mid North Coast area and there were a husband and wife team who claimed to be of the remnant. He was ok I suppose but she was the devil! Enough said.

  • blondie

    Brother Jeremy, I had the same experience. My grandparents became Bible Students before 1931 and before 1935 when all had the heavenly calling. Many younger jws today only knew 2 kinds, those young in the past before these younger jws knew them and are old in years or "anointed" after the 1935 cutoff some of which seemed to be trying to prove their calling. The WTS did not teach that individual anointed had some special insight into the scriptures or even had more holy spirit than the other sheep (QFR for that). I have been able to have discussions with various ones at Bethel like Knorr, Karl Klein, Poetzingers, Schroeder, Groh, etc., because of my family connections.

    Oddness is not found only among anointed but even the other sheep.

  • hardtobeme
    I am one myself. I started partaking for almost 15 years. I don't feel anything special. I'm still a human with all imperfections. I'm a sinner. (probably I'm the person that has committed more sins than others). I don't believe in the GB. I believe all Christians should partake of the bread and wine per Jesus' command and have the heavenly hope. If there are some so called anointed ones out there that believe that they have special insight or that they are so spiritual (including the popes from Brooklyn), they are assholes. There is nothing special about being anointed.
  • prologos
    One member of the present Governing body: ready to rise above the Rank & File, eager to get personal research into published light, a latent latter day F.Franz. 2) My mother in law, if she went to be of the bride in waiting, kill the enemies at Armageddon and administer merci in the Millennium: no more qualified person to dispense understanding, forgiveness for errant behaviour.
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    My sister, since 1971-2007...
  • FayeDunaway

    Hardtobeme, I'm right there with you, in all aspects. It's something I never take for granted. I partake monthly at church and even administered communion at a senior care home last Sunday.

    I haven't known many witness partakers. One sister from another hall came to our hall for the memorial--because she was about 40 and considered too young to be anointed and the brothers in her hall pressured her to stop, but she didn't believe she should. The p.o. in our hall told the ushers to not count her as partaking. She was really nice tho and I don't think she was crazy.

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