I am 4 pages into a 20 page chapter. I keep getting distracted. I have probably read more than 20 pages of lots of things this morning, so having a busy week is no excuse. I have been up since before 8am on a nice quiet saturday morning, but just could not finish 20 pages of Dawkins.
I am not giving up, just having another break.
This chapter is about natural selction. I am quite interested in how cross bredding occurs naturally, if this is what Dawkins means. The thing I have a problem with is losing focus mid paragraph. He is talking about flowers too much, different kinds are named with no apparant purpose. There may well be a good purpose but sadly wasted on me perhaps? I can't see it so if anyone would like to enlighten that would be great.
I do very much like the point about the big moth and his log proboscis. PROBOSCIS is a new word, meaning snout, nose, trunk in nature. That was good and fun. Dawkins said probably in Madacasgar, there would be a moth discovered that was bigger than the biggest moth discovered. Very interesting this can be logically predicted.
I think Dawkins prediction of this is very likely, I do not feel the need to go and discover it for myself. I totally agree with him that God would have undoubtedly created such a moth, by this wounderful process of natural selsction.
I am going to read the other 16 pages now
Kate xx