Feb 2014 WT Study article

by molybdenum 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • molybdenum

    The caption under the picture in the first article

    Hail Christ—The Glorious King!


    Birds will be called on to cleanse the earth (See paragraph 18)

    I think that is a fowl thing to say.

    It must surely sow seeds of doubt in many.

    Looks like the WTS is winging it as far as Bible prohecy is concerned.

    But I guess I shouldn't get into a flap about it.

  • exwhyzee

    If I may stick my beak in for a moment, but when it comes to these droppings, from The Goose That laid The Golden Egg, (AKA the Governing Body) it's better for the Watchtower Society if most JW's continue to take a birds eye view of their literature rather than peck away at the misleading teachings they encounter therein. There'd be little left to line their bird cages and they'd run the risk of flying the coop and migrating away altogether.

  • Bobcat

    Your right. It is a "fowl" thing to say. (Perhaps you meant "foul.")

  • moomanchu

    It could ruffle some feathers and make some fly the coop.

    The GB bird brain ideas are for the birds.

    I say just flip them the bird and be a freebird.

  • lisavegas420

    That bird comment might ruffle a few feathers. It looks like the GB is just wing'n it.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Doh! Bobcat didnt get it.

    The GB are quackers and have the collective brains of a headless chicken.

  • Zoos

    They keep squaking about this because they're a bunch of loons who are bittern because the end hasn't come yet. They have some gull repeating this guano all the time. They act like a bunch of heron addicts. Pay those turkeys no attention. They'll all be eating crow before too long.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    LOL thank you for the laffs, u all!


  • Pondering

    Counting their chickens before they're hatched, I see! It's only about ruling the roost and reinforcing the pecking order. They really need to get their ducks in a row before this becomes an albatross around their necks.

  • Splash

    What a bunch of tits.

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