Ok, serious answer for you.
by unstopableravens 220 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Ok, serious answer for you.
Yes, evolution causes superhuman abilities. All us atheists believe that.
dazed : if humans where to evovle into something else would that not be super human?
What selective pressure do you propose would cause humans to evolve "x-men" powers?
We could also devolve. For instance, if intelligence is no longer needed to survive as a species. Brains are massive energy consumers.
how does attacking me for asking a question add anything?
If you substitute "supernatural" for "super human", I think the objection to the logic of the question becomes more obvious.
cofty: i dont know i dont believe in evoultion, thats why i was asking you who do,
Unstop - How do you think evolution works?
if humans where to evovle into something else would that not be super human?\
Like shooting lasers from their eyes and having telekinetic powers?