Mark my words.....Time is short.....

by LDH 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • MegaDude

    Oh, they're blasts alright. More like the seven big fart blasts after all their prophetic bluster.

  • Perry

    The entire super-structure is built on fear. If they change that or loosen it up what is left? Nothing.

    The WTS chose a long time ago how to keep people in, if they change the fear tactic in any way, there will be an even bigger exodus and they must surely fear this.

    Believe me, it won't change much or soon.

  • LDH

    Please read the above thread, where I will now SHAMELESSLY promote Metatron's words....


    PLEASE get out now while you can still keep your family.

    Another email I received from someone who wished to remain anonymous said:

    read your sentence and I must agree. You said in the forum:
    It's not a lie. It's Theocratic War Strategy.

    Tell them, You will talk to them about it when the time is right for you. PERIOD.


    I have a lot of insight knowledge of the society. This is the best possible strategie, there is nothing they can do about it
  • BluesBrother


    I was one of Pavlov's dogs back there in 1963 at Twickenham,London and i clapped as hard as all the rest - without having a clue what it all meant. It just felt good to part of a large crowd ,united in a common cause, clapping and shouting "Aye!"
    After all we were special people, we had all the anwers and God was using - so we thought
    It had in fact more to do with the psychology of a crowd.Poor dumb saps that we were!

  • waiting

    LOL....we all clapped - everybody else did it, and we'd look suspicious if we didn' clap.clap.clap.

    Did we care? I doubt if anybody did - even if they could have understood it

    But it sure looked impressive later on "A Resolution was unaminously passed!"

    Gotta admit - those JW PR are smooth now and again.


  • LDH

    Blues, too true!

    I remember attending the 1985 District Convention in Rochester, NY. Besides the constant railing against MTV, CableTV, and HBO the one thing I remember is that by Sunday afternoon EVERYONE was clapping after approx. every other sentence.

    It was like a drug induced hypnosis. My family was even laughing because most of the stuff the crowd was clapping about--wasn't even worth clapping for!

    But you know ho those assemblies go. All it takes is ONE person to start clapping and then like robots all the rest join in.

    Those resolutions have all the power of Pigmy warrior at the annual Bilderberg meeting.


  • teejay

    Interesting prognostications, Prophetess Lisa.

    Puns aside (like you said, I’m laughing, but this ain’t funny), you make a compelling argument. Who knows? You may have a point. I don’t know...

    At any rate, your post reminds me of my ex-father-in-law (“B.R.”), a Society man through and through if there ever was one. Loves “the Faithful Slave” more than he did his own momma, even though it juked him out of a life and he’s old and frail now, expecting (hoping for) the New Order™ any day.

    No retirement plan... never bought a house (rented ALL of his adult life)... finished school too early... like I said, a Society Man. Gave talks at the District, though! Gotta love that!

    Anyway... he told me once, years ago, that “some” (meaning hardliners like him) felt that those who married out of the truth would one day warrant disfellowshipping. “Jehovah is tightening up his organization,” he loved to say. Never happened, of course, but there are (and have always been) those that love the hard, strict rules—the harder and more strict, the better. You know the type... the non-thinkers, the ones that would rather have someone give them rules to follow. Life is real easy that way.

    These like nothing more than to wake up every morning, read the list of ‘rules for the day,’ strap on their boots, and go kick the flunkies into further humiliating submission.

    Thankfully, I didn’t know many older men like my ex-father-in-law. His is a dying breed.

  • LDH


    Have you read the C.O. thread? You would see that this 'prophecy' has already started its fulfillment, (and it ain't even figurative, like most of the WBTS', LOL).

    The COs have begun giving talks encouraging the shunning of INACTIVE ones.

    Scary stuff.


  • LDH

    bttt....after reading MARTINLEYSHON's thread.


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