...and are the JWs forthcoming at the start what the "study" really is?
Free Bible Study or Indoctrination Session?
by VM44 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Indoctrination session, because JWs will omit information/lie if they feel that a study will be turned off by the WTBTS's doctrines. I don't believe that Jesus Christ promoted lying or Theologic Warfare Strategy in the Bible.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
They're done alone as well, even spouses are split into separate studies, so you're less likely to spot problems.
They'd never run something like an Alpha course, built around group discussion, anyone can attend and ask any questions. They'd be terrified of the questions.
rip van winkle
Indoctrination. IMO some jws are really innocent/naive and don't realize/recognize they are not being forthcoming.
I always felt that using the bible as the mainstay would be more helpful. But jws feel they cannot teach even with the props the WTS provides and pass off any calls to other jws rather than "study" with someone. The WTS wants to be sure that jws stay with the party line so require that publications be used. Must have unity in thought.........
Funny how even the very sweet jw ladies follow the exact
PROGRAM of indoctrinating the poor smucks they find while
knocking on doors!
When I came on JWN & heard the same stories as mine,
omg I realized I really had been tricked!
First of all, it turned out that it wasn't a Bible Study ...it was just
a book using questions & answers, their questions & their answers btw.
Then, right away the warning of satan trying to stop your study
by making your family & friends try to discourage you!
You must fight against Satan ...the ladies said!
Sure enough family did warn me & I thought ...aha see they
are right!!!
Same pattern, same program ...those ladies were so slickly
controlled ...they never even guessed what they were doing!
They're done alone as well, even spouses are split into separate studies, so you're less likely to spot problems.
To be fair this isn't really true. Studies with couples together, or even whole families are encouraged. There would have to be a special circumstance to study with spouses separately.
You are right however that they wouldn't want group discussions like Alpha. The whole format is based upon controlling the environment and the questions and answers. Sure, people are allowed to ask questions outside of the material, but it isn't encouraged.
I think now they are sometimes offering a study "based on the Bible" but I doubt that a householder would catch the significance of the wording.
When I studied years ago it was offered as a "free home Bible study."
It took me years to recognize that it was a bait and switch.
Ah, is that so flame grilled? I thought it was men study with men and women with women, has this changed or did I make it up?
Thanks for the correction.
Hi Ding, Some JWs will offer to study only the Bible with a bible student, but the conductors will just cherry pick Scriptures to substantiate the WTBTS's doctrines and will change subjects as soon as they meet resistance. I know this because it happened to me. The publisher stopped the study after about 2 meetings when he felt that I would not submit to the WTBTS's doctrine.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,