And that folks is the main reason that internet access should be denied to trailer parks!
by QUEENIE 16 Replies latest jw friends
And that folks is the main reason that internet access should be denied to trailer parks!
I'll start my novel thusly: "It was a dark and stormy night, the first of May in the year 2003. Virtually every virtual everyone in ex-dubland was tuned into, and signed into chat. But for once no one was chatting, not even about sex, for they were all silent and respectful guest of the first ex-jw/jw internet marriage.
This event was truly a first for this planet, and yet bride and groom QUEENIE & Fred Hall were taking the earth shattering implications in stride.....
to be continued.
{just having a grin Queenie}
are you 50 foot like PJ Harvey
YES AND I also watched DATELINE on the 28th speaking of speeking clearly to the last set of abusive JW @#$%$# I hope they understand the word NO I AINT INTERESTED IN YOUR friggin literature and fuck off NOW...AH I aint silent enough --- soooo sorry
Hey ya Queenie,
Good to WITNESS you...hahahaha.
Say, do you recall other area congregations you and your family associated with, outside of your own? Did you ever attend other kh's 'get-togethers' (jw gatherings)? Which assemblys did you attend? If I am getting to personal, please, refraining from answering will be fully understood.
Queenie I hope you are ok. A lot of us can't understand what you are saying but we still hope you're ok. The WBTS has a lot to be responsible for. If you are having a bad day, Sorry.
I think we should get Queenie and You Know together. They are made for each other. That's a wedding I would go to, just for the entertainment value alone.