Does it include all public places, etc...?
Do you have smoking ban in your community?
by Iamallcool 14 Replies latest jw friends
All of the UK has a smoking ban in all indoor public places.
I love it. I no longer have to argue with ignorant people who pollute my air.
keyser soze
We have it where I am. Smoking is allowed in designated areas outside, within a certain amount of space from the building.
Smoking is banned on the property where I live, the entire apartment complex. Smoking is banned on the entire hospital property next door. So I see the amusing sight of hospital and apartment employees standing exactly on the property line between the apartments and the hospital so they can smoke. It's very funny to see.
Smoking has been banned in indoors public places in California for a long time. It's rather a shock to go to some other state and have to eat in smoky smelly restaurants, try to find a hotel with non-smoking rooms. I don't think I actually know anyone who smokes. Progress!
No smoking in offices and public areas including bars and bingo halls. Smokers have to be so many feet away from public entrances. The saddest sight around here has got to be a hospital patient, hanging on their IV line, shivering outside the hospital gates having a smoke. This is Canada, after all.
The smokers have a glassed in shelter across the street from the University of Alberta hospital. Glassed-in shelters in this country are a joke.
Rufus T. Firefly
Yes, the town in which I live prohibits smoking in all public places. I love it. It has been good for businesses, too, even the nightclubs. Smoking is a sign of ignorance and low-class.
Smoking is a sign of ignorance and low-class.
That is so true ... nothing screams "dumb" more than someone lighting up a cigarrette.
yes it is growing to include more and more spaces.
Nightclubs that permit only those over 21 are allowed to allow smoking indoors. Those are popular places, ones thankfully I never have to go to. There are not many of them though.
There was even snmoking on the school bus, and I would see kids as young as 1st grade joining in. I think back to that now and want to cry for those children.
Simon, as much as I HATE HATE smoking and as much as I instilled that into my kids, plus they watched thier grandfather waste away slowly suffocating with emphezema, one of them began smoking. She is the one who would stress inwardly, but seem carefree outwardly. I think for many people it is a way to calm down and cope with life. Her profession, nursing, has a LOT of smokers ( pretty ironic don't you think?) Also Resturaunt workers, which she was before working in the hospital, ( lots of constant pressure there too) have many, many smokers. Military people tend to smoke a lot.
Thankfully she continues to try to stop now. relaxation techniques, medication , etc.etc.. I think she has finally stopped, but I don't know. ( she lives on the oposite coast as do )
I am all for personal freedom, but it annoys the hell out of me to have to smell the smoke of others. They can inhale as much as they want, as long as they don't exhale.