Sheri Sheppard spoke about this as a ex jw how it affects a person to be dfd,you feel like you loose your identity, its very difficult, I see my son struggling, i wish this practice can be done away with,so hurtful for everyone.
The effects of shunning on The View
by Rebecca 619 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What episode was this?
Rebecca 619
It was todays show, they were speaking about scientology and Leah Remani, shes been shunned by scientologists.
This is what the linked episode guide lists:
Tuesday: Musical guest Kellie Pickler; Norman Reedus from The Walking Dead; dermatologist Dr. Doris Day. Mexican television personality Karla Martinez guest co-hosts.
Are we talking about another nation's version of The View?
Rebecca 619
It was todays episode with Kellie Pickler, during hot topics first 15 minutes .
I see my son struggling, i wish this practice can be done away with,so hurtful for everyone.-Rebecca
I feel for you. Are you talking to him and having regular contact with him? If so he is very lucky to have you. If not is it because you fear DFing yourself. My heart go out to you and yours
Take care love Kate xx
Rebecca 619
Thank you Kate for your words, my son lives with us, I love him with all my heart and will never shun him.
Might both of you be helped with a discussion? Some open ended questions might help. Does your son think that he deserves this treatment? If there were no shunning, what would be the first thing your son would do? How might good and ethical people out in the world deal with sin and error?
I'm thinking the both of you might be helped with a night out. Spend time with regular people. Perhaps go to a coffee shop or attend a concert.
It's great that "Jehovah's Witnesses" and "Scientology" are getting this exposure on tv about the "shunning" tactics, involving to the 'core' of families. People shake their heads at the horribleness of it.
Rebecca 619
jgnat, its difficult he was raised a jw and his whole life was the jw life and i think what he misses most is his best freind, we do things together all the time its just hes learning to fill his time with school and work and new freinds.