This chart surprized me! The Chinese are racing towards economic domination.
Say goodbye to your Anglo-American World Empire...
by metatron 13 Replies latest jw friends
This chart surprized me! The Chinese are racing towards economic domination.
Say goodbye to your Anglo-American World Empire...
they just extended their military airspace to cover the disputed (near taiwan) islands, prompting the US to a fly-by with B 52s to challenge the challengers.
CHina quoting the bible to The 7st world power:
"There are more with us than with them--" a cool* billion more. diligent, educating----, non-denominational. -- saving, budget balancing.
* cool not coolies
I think I detect a dose of sarcasm in the chart and acompanying text ... does anyone else?
The source provided seems to be their own internal people.
It is common ground that China will be probably be the world's only remaining superpower in the 21st century. (we're still at the beginning)
On the other hand, since the 2012 convention, the WTS has stated that the big A will start in the Anglo-american's superpower time.
Could that pose a problem for the wts??
No way! Just a little Orwellian changing of past statements, just a little "better understanding" of the prophecy, and all will be ok, and everyone will be happy! Sure they'll come up with something. For instance, when China becomes the primal world superpower, the WTS could say "Well, China may have become a superpower, but the US is STILL a superpower" and stuff like that. (that will be hard to convince if the US is wrecked by then)
Anyway, history moves at slower speeds than man does, so we have to be patient.
Yup, probably. No matter how poorly their prophecies turn out, Witlesses keep believing.
We'll soon see how much of a Superpower China is when the U.S. stiffs them on the debt owed to them. China is no where near as battle tested, deployed and technologically advanced as the U.S. armed forces.
"Racing" toward economic domination? Really? We heard the same about Japan 30 years ago. And before that we heard the USSR was going to take over the world. Same fears, different decades.
This article in TIME points out that China is good at manufacturing but not at managing business and not at breakthrough creativity that is needed to transform a nation into an economic superpower. The article points out that China as a whole is about 50 years behind the USA in terms of knowing how to run large businesses and developing effective research and development.
The future belongs to the innovators, and the USA has plenty of those and continues to attract them.,9171,2156209,00.html
All so-called Biblical prophecy is a BIG con. Jesus was a false prophet (assuming a character, that could represent the literary creation called Jesus, actually existed and said some of the things that the Gospel writers attribute to him) his prophecies of the end occurring in his generation FAILED. But hope springs eternal and the kind of apologia that is currently engaged in, became part of Christian ideology.
So be sure - if ever China does achieve "superpower" status, "Christian," (i.e. not just the Jw brand) ideology will certainly be "adjusted" to cope with the cries of the 'humble faithful' for re-assurance that their beliefs have not been in vain.
But, it is by no means certain that China will, or even wants to, equal or exceed, what the "Anglo-American" world power has been for the past 200 years.
This chart surprized me! The Chinese are racing towards economic domination.
It initially surprised me too! And, I had to think hard for a while to understand what the zerohedge blog was attempting to say. I think I finally figured it out. The web-site has the opinion that the Keynesian expansion of the money supply, currently underway in the USA, and certain parts of the west, and now Japan also, (As a reaction to problems caused by the previous loss of control of banking/credit) is a mistaken policy. But, the author's believe that what is happening in the west is dwarfed by a similar process in China. Hence the sarcasm of the final two paragraphs and the suggestion that western central bankers should engage "experts" from the PBOC (the Chinese central bank) to teach them how to stuff up the economy with 'cheap' money.
The process is 'political' in both the west and China. In the west the over-riding concern is to maintain a semblance of prosperity. A full-scale depression would result in political chaos, as an electorate, of which more than 50% have no understanding of what the hell they are voting about, will react savagely to a loss of economic benefits.
And, the situation is similar in China. According to Pew Consulting (An American polling company that is allowed to operate in China), teh Chinese Central government has an approval rating of over 80%. Note that I said, the Central government. Provincial and city governments may not have similar approval, and the Provincial level is where ordinary Chinese interact with government.
But its the central government that must ensure that the compact between government and people stays intact.
But its the central government that must ensure that the compact between government and people stays intact.
"What compact," you may ask? To understand you must go back to the nineteenth century when China was still governed by a foreign power - the Manchurian Qing dynasty. Under relentless economic and political pressure from the west, the Qing finally collapsed in the first decade of the twentieth century. Attempts were made to replace the Qing with a Republic, but no-one could gain the neccessary political authority. Sun Yat-sen, without a power base, formed a government based in Guangdong, and only exercising authority in the south, and formed a political party- the Guomindang (Kuomintang). The Guomindang essentially promised to modernise China, build a prosperous nation, and after all that program was achieved, to form a democratic government.
At first, Sun advocated an American model, but in a few years, disillusioned by the savage American repression of freedom fighters in the Philipinnes, Sun turned to the new Soviet Union for guidance. Two wings formed in the party - one wing was right wing, which gained control after the death of Sun, under the control of Chiang Kaishek, and the other wing was comprised of left wingers and members of the still young Communist Party of China. Not long after Chiang became President of China, he expelled the communists from the KMT and unleashed a program of extermination against them. The Communists retreated westward and then north in the famous and legendary Long March, finally arriving in Shaanxi province and the small city of Yanan.
From that time the two groups fought for support in the Chinese population, simultaneously fighting the Japanese invasion forces. After Japan's defeat in 1945 open warfare broke out between teh two groups in the Chinese civil war. The CPC (communists) obtaining some Russian support and the KMT having American support.
From that point, I think everyone knows that the CPC won, with a lot of support from ordinary Chinese.
The original promise of Sun's GMD became the credo of the new government of China - modernise the nation, build prosperity, then democracy.
OF course, there's a huge amount of detail missing in the above bried overview. Because the CPC (under Mao) had built a broadly based united front to oppose Chiang Kaishek's KMT, the CPC itself had a variety or opinions on how the new government should proceed to fulfill their promised program. At first there was what you could call a social democratic policy, but Mao's advocacy for more socialism gradually led to attempts to force collectivisation of Agriculture
The financial pressure caused by the withdrawal of Russian support after the Sino-soviet split intensified the claim by certain party members for greater socialism, leading to the collapse of the great leap forward and China's last great famine which brought the death of millions (just how many is disputed, but certainly not the 80 million that some suggest).
In subsequent CPC conferences in 1960 and 1962, the negative effects of the Great Leap Forward were studied by the CPC, and Mao was criticized in the party conferences. Moderate Party members like Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping rose to power, and Mao was marginalized within the party, (it was suggested that he become a figurehead only, without power over policy), leading Mao to initiate the Cultural Revolution in 1966 in an attempt to regain conrol of the Party. The drastic affect of the Cultural Revolution was to bring China to a STOP. Another collapse of China was so close. I think its fair to say that everyone (except Mao) stopped breathing, for fear of a collapse into chaos. I wont even try to summarise those years. For the purpose of this brief overview, it suffices to say, that the opponents of Mao waited for his death, and then struck, resulting in the appointment of Deng Xiaoping to the role of party leader. While certainly this segment of the party has had to consider the left-wingers, they have been able to follow a more or less capitalist road and fulfill to a large extent the compact between party and people as in the vision of Sun Yatsen.
The controlling wing of the party is (as observed) extremely pragmatic. As Deng said, "the color of a cat, doesn't matter. What matters is, can it kill mice?" So in modern China, the government does not blindly follow ideology. (American politicians are more likely to be idealogues). What matters is, does it work?