I still find it strange that believers cannot get it in to their heads that Atheism is not a belief, but Theism is. There cannot possibly be proof "for" the Atheistic position as it is simply a position that says I see no proof for a god.
If someone says there are pink unicorns with purple spots and I say I have never seen any proof of their existence, i cannot offer proof of my "position", the onus is 100% upon the spotted unicorn guy to prove their existence to me. Simple.
Where the frustration enters in for us non-unicornists is when the unicornists expect us to listen to inane arguments , non facts and plain nonsesnse and then go along with their delusion. Solid, testable, satisfactory evidence please, or those unicorns do not exist.
It is not worth debating doctrine with a believer, be they JW or some other flavour, that is a huge timewaster, and again frustration enters in because they simply will not look at the evidence, they will ignore what even their own handbook, the Bible, says and hang on to their belief by twisted exegesis or other methods.
Why are not believers simply honest and say "What I believe in is Delusion, but I choose to continue". I would respect that honesty, but a dis-honest approach to facts, I do not respect.