Blondie reporting, not supporting
Everyone's dead who had it coming and the remainder find that their bodies have been changed. No more disease, no more aging, no more human weaknesses and
---Healing will not be instantaneous, perhaps missing limbs will not suddently appear, people will not instanteously get young, but gradually, illnesses will disappear immediately as Jesus healed
*** w78 9/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
● When in the future God resurrects persons on earth, will they be of about the same age and appearance as they were formerly?
The Scriptures do not specifically comment on this, but reason and certain Biblical indications suggest that they will.
Regarding the spiritual resurrection, the Bible uses the illustration of plant seeds and says: “God gives it a body just as it has pleased him.” Yes, he provides what is fitting and needed. (1 Cor. 15:35-44) We can expect the same of the earthly resurrection.
The Bible accounts of resurrections in the past give no indication that the humans raised were markedly changed in age or appearance. When a boy in Shunem died and was resurrected by Elisha, he came back with the age and appearance that he had at death. (2 Ki. 4:32-37) Consider also Jesus’ resurrection of Lazarus, who had been dead four days and whose body had begun to decay. Did Lazarus come to life drastically changed in appearance or with parts of his flesh decayed away? No. He looked about the same as before. Had he not, religious enemies would certainly have used that fact to discredit Jesus.—John 11:32-47.
Further, we know that Jehovah is a God of order, kindness and mercy. That weighs against thinking that he will bring someone back to life missing a limb or being horribly disfigured by the terminal stages of a fatal disease. (Jas. 1:17; Luke 11:13) This does not require, though, that the individual come back ‘in the prime of life.’ If someone died of heart failure at 75 years of age, why could not God raise him with a comparable body, but with a heart that would continue to pump? Then as the healing power of Jehovah’s provisions, including the merit of Jesus’ sacrifice, were applied, the person could progress toward perfection.—Rev. 22:1, 2, 17.
But it is not necessarily profitable or advisable to pursue questions about the state of resurrected ones. God could have included in the Bible detailed information about just what he will do. The fact that Jehovah did not do so indicates that he does not view it as vital information for us now. He did record in the Bible a number of accounts of resurrections being performed by his power. And he set out in the Scriptures assurances that there will be “a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Acts 24:15; John 5:28, 29) Then he left it up to us to develop faith in his Word and his promises. We can be certain that if we ourselves exercise faith and thus survive into the New Order, God will see to it that there will be no insurmountable problems regarding the resurrection. We will have the joy of receiving back, recognizing and helping those who are raised from the dead.
the weather is perfect. What next?--- The WTS mentions how Jesus controlled the winds when out in the boat on the sea of Galilee
*** kc chap. 3 p. 24 par. 9 What the Kingdom Means for Our Earth ***
Moreover, we can expect that the Kingdom will control natural upheavals, such as earthquakes and hurricanes. Jesus indicated how this could be done when he stilled “a great violent windstorm.” Thus, his disciples took note that “even the wind and the sea obey him.” (Mark 4:37-41) In all the earthly realm of God’s kingdom, there will be nothing that hurts, harms or brings to ruin.—Compare Isaiah 11:6-9.
*** go chap. 1 pp. 8-9 par. 8 The Next Rulership for All the Earth ***
Even mankind’s natural environment is getting better and better. All nature is being rejuvenated. The whole earth is becoming one global beauty spot. The world government has an expert weather bureau that is never wrong. It really has complete weather control. From no part of the earth is there any report of drought or rainfall in ruinous downpours, or cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons. All the forces of nature are being brought into a perfect balance for making the whole earth an exquisite place in which to live. There is no lack of food anywhere, for the earth is yielding its products to the full. Human needs in the way of food are being amply met, and all of this is contributing to the improving health of the people.
What's perfect; the WTS says there will still be seasons, spring, summer, fall, winter
*** w63 12/15 pp. 767-768 Questions From Readers ***
Are we to understand from Genesis 8:22 that seasons as we know them today, with their extreme conditions, will exist in the new world?—E. E., United States.
In his heart Jehovah said, as recorded at Genesis 8:22: “For all the days the earth continues, seed sowing and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, will never cease.” Some years ago an inquirer posed a problem in this connection, in saying:
“My question is as stated in Genesis 8:22. As long as the earth endures there shall be winter. Now we know the winter season brings aggravation. Streets become covered with snow and ice, cars slide, accidents are caused, people fall on the slippery ice, get their feet wet, catch cold, and winter certainly is not comfortable. Would you regard that in a sense as living under perfect conditions? Contending with that would not be like living in a paradise. Would it?”
Now, these sentiments are quite understandable. Yet, even today, is the winter season always as bad as all that? It depends on one’s outlook. It is a thrill to behold descending snowflakes! Silently the hills, the trees, the fields—yes, and even city streets—take on a soft, white blanket of snow. Really, it is a joy to behold! Many see the seasonal beauty in their surroundings, if they live in areas of the earth where this spectacle takes place. Of course, they must properly equip their automobiles to drive under such conditions, or they may simply choose not to use them at all when the roads are slippery. Persons who dress properly are not uncomfortable, nor do they get their feet wet. Human imperfection does play a part at any time of the year, and so, in ice and snow, some may fall or others catch cold. But even today under present conditions winter, in regions where it graces the terrain with snowy whiteness, can be a beautiful and enjoyable time of the year. There are, of course, many places on earth that do not have snow and ice in the winter season, with the conditions these produce.
The statement at Genesis 8:22 must, of course, be taken in conjunction with other promises concerning the perfect conditions due to obtain under God’s kingdom. What Jehovah meant at Genesis 8:22 was that the condition of equable climate that prevailed over all the earth before the Flood would no longer exist. Why? Because the great water canopy responsible for such a condition had fallen, resulting in the seasons described at Genesis 8:22. However, as God produced sudden revolutionary changes in earth’s living conditions by the deluge of Noah’s day, with extremes now of heat and cold, so at Armageddon and with the inauguration of his Messianic kingdom he can produce rapid changes that will ameliorate any hard conditions of winter or disagreeable features of other seasons.
Will this be accomplished by a restoration of the water canopy? Will the Creator again suspend it in space so as to produce a hothouse condition on this earth in order that a uniform temperature may again prevail around the globe? The Bible does not say so, whereas the formation of the antediluvian water canopy was part of God’s creative work on one of his workdays before he began his seventh day by ceasing from such creative works for the earth. His rest day has yet a thousand or more years to go. It is sufficient to say that Jehovah God, who already knows what he will do, will handle matters perfectly. He will bring about the most desirable and enjoyable conditions through his King Jesus Christ. This change, which will do away with unpleasant seasonal conditions, will harmonize with God’s restoration of paradise and his removal of death, pain, sorrow, sickness and crying.—Rev. 21:4; Deut. 32:4.
Will everyone's homes be destroyed,
Could be, jws are promised their lives, not their possessions
will the skyscrapers in New York, Chicago, Tokyo and other nations be razed to the ground?
The WTS talks about concrete dissolver, and that God never intended people to live in large cities (see early Babylon)
Or can we move into the house two doors down -- the one that was just remodeled or renovated?
So who is going to repair or run the infrastructre (water, sewer, electricity, gas, etc) considering the decreased human population
But who will mankind now look up to as leaders?
Will the anointed class be handing out edicts from Heaven or will members of the Governing Body appear in white robes and appoint leaders? In other words, who will be in charge?
Edicts will be handed out much as they are now...?
On another post, someone said there would still be weekly meetings, and there may still be a need for missionary work.
Still weekly meetings, but no door to door, since every living will be a jw, resurrection will take place in an orderly fashion, allowing for one to one bible studies, and those failing to comply, will die permanently.