How about a museum/gallery trip sometime?

by snare&racket 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket


    Natural History Museum, British museum, science museum, art museums a weekend of cheap hotels and eating out... Maybe a show!

    Wouldn't that be a great weekend? No JW guide to bother us and divert us past the monkey men section :P

    If anyone is interested in a weekend or day trip next year, give us a shout, it would be a fun and interesting day/s for sure! Its just an excuse to meet up and have a giggle and a gander!

    snare x


    name the date

  • Simon

    That is a wonderful museum. Such a pity that the last time I went it was with a JW guide there to filter everything through WTS spin and hurry past the evidence that didn't fit in with their beliefs.

    A bit far for us to travel to now but I recommend it for anyone who can make it.

  • cantleave

    The ExJW UK South Meet-up group did one this summer to the Natural History Museum. You would have enjoyed that Snare.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I'd love do it except for I can't swim that far.

    I love the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. Chicago has great museums, too.

  • Fernando

    Does anyone have a link to a video of a JW guide explaining the suit of armour? It will be much appreciated.

    This video powerfully demonstrates WBTS spiritual blindness (for me at least).

    The spiritually blind JW guide cannot discern the spiritual suit of armour at all - if I remember correctly he does not mention or explain a single component of it, whilst indeed talking about Eph 6:14-17.

  • KateWild

    I am up for meeting up snare, I don't mind coming to London to meet up, can you attend a meetup in the N/west of UK too? I was thinking in Feb weekend of 15/16th Feb or 22/23rd, we have a great museum here in Liverpool, with lots of evolution.

    Can you come snare?

    Sam xx

  • Phizzy

    When I went to the British Museum many years ago on a JW guided trip the ignorance of the guide made me laugh even then, the JW guide was trying to say the earliest translation of the Bible in to English was such and such a date, as I stood next to a manuscript in early english of part of the Bible, he was unaware of what I was looking at.

    Later he showed me the Codex Sinaiticus, 2 pages of which which happened to be prominently displayed at the time, he said "Do you want to see the Divine Name in here?" I agreed, and he said "Look at the bottom of the right hand page", I guess he had fooled himself it was there, and others he told this to, I scoured the page, and no sign of the Name of course, it does not appear in any form anywhere in that N.T Manuscript. Not in Gk, Aramaic or Hebrew. And this is the oldest complete N.T manuscript we have.

    Another Museum trip would be good, with people whose eyes are wide open this time !

  • KateWild

    Very interesting phizzy, can you come and join us please? I would love to get to know you better.

    Sam xx

  • cantleave

    Maybe a show!

    Book of Mormon.....?

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