2. The apostles spoke directly with Jesus, received visions or visible outpouring of holy spirit. This clearly identified them as being God's undisputed representatives. Despite what the GB insuiates when their predictions are wrong, the apostles never made false predictions. Rather the apostles asked our Lord Jesus humbly for answers when they were unclear about our Lords purpose. The GB today boldly makes predictions, and seemingly discovers new light when they are wrong. Would Jehovah give his chosen servants the wrong answer? Did Jesus give his apostles wrong answers about the coming destruction of Jerusalem? Therefore there is no evidence that Jesus has given the GB any authority go beyond what is written in the scriptures.
Is disagreeing with the GB rebelling against God?
by kneehighmiah 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
3. The GB acts like the Pharisees and hold their oral tradition (rules) to be equal to God's law. There is no evidence that Moses, Joshua, Jesus or any of God's inspired representatives ever did this. However, the Pharisees believed that the Jews were too stupid to use their God given brains and power of reasoning to understand God's law. Thus they made sure the people knew what was considered work on the Sabbath and how to wash their hands. Interestingly, the Pharisees did not recieve inspiration from Jehovah.
A few weeks ago the CO shared with us an exhaustive list of about 10 different scenarios where a sister would need to decide whether or not she needed to wear a head covering. I thought wow this sounds like the Pharisees oral law. Doesn't the sister have reasoning abilities and a personal relationship with God that should determine how she applies this scripture in her private life? I was shocked to learn that sisters do not need a head covering when translating at the meetings. Except...get this...if she is translating sign language. Why? Because the GB feels that sign language is not direct translation, but involves her own thoughts. Therefore it is considered teaching and she must wear a head covering. I needed a lawyer to understand all of that.
Narcissistic Supply
Is disagreeing with the GB rebelling against God? '
Surely you jest. disagreeing with self serving condescending pigs??? LOL
The powerful position is absolute contempt for those assholes.
because obeying these instructions will save our lives.
For whoever wants to save his soul will lose it; but whoever loses his soul for my sake will find it. - Matt 16:25
Excellent subject Kneehigh, but I can't even argue
the point as their arrogance just floors me!
From the old school, when we had NO GB ... they
disgust me.
I thought wow this sounds like the Pharisees oral law.
YOU hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about YOU, when he said, ‘This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me. It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines.’” - Matt 15:7-9
The GB of the JW's has no connection whatever with God.
God told me you can go and kick their arrogant arses and He will laugh.
Mind you, if you really are only knee high, you may have to take a long run-up as you kick each fat arse.
A little off topic, but related. This was crazy eye opening for me. It's the President of the WT giving a Gilead talk. Fred Franz says there was no GB. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-vYMDLW83c