I just thought of something....

by ILoveTTATT 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT

    If Satan is the #1 Apostate, and apostates are not to be talked to, why then did Jesus even talk to him?

    Why did Jesus, if he is supposed to be our example, even talk to him?

    Why doesn't the Bible say "And Satan tried to talk to Jesus, and Jesus ignored him. When Jesus moved away, and Satan followed him, then Jesus walked even faster to stay away from him"...

    No, the Bible says that Jesus talked to him, listened to what he had to say, and rebutted Satan with the Scriptures.

    If something is the truth, nothing will be able to bring it down. Not even the #1 apostate.

    (DISCLAIMER: I am agnostic, do not believe the Bible is inerrant/infallible. But assuming it was, this just made me think)...

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Jesus did not know the rules written by Paul and James! Those rules were written after his death!

  • ILoveTTATT

    Oh right... forgot... soooooo sorry...

    So if Jesus was alive today, he would be DF'd?

    Probably, for the beard and other stuff...

  • prologos

    Even Jehovah could not


    the rules of paul & GB/FADS because as we know*

    He talked to Satan prior to the JOB sequence.

    *we know because it is part of the talking snake story.

    I forgot: Jehovah is an elder, and elders are allowed to talk to disfellowshipped apostates,

    IF they do not discuss any doctrinal matter.

    That is why the GB/FADS has direct communications with the top elder.??

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    It wasn't just that Jesus spoke to Satan, the bible explains their dialogue and it was Satan that supposedly scurried away, defeated.

    In Watchtowerland, dealings with "apostates" should not occur, and if it does, it dare not be recorded for anyone to hear or read. And we all know what happens when a JW encounters someone that is knowledgable and disagrees with them... it's the JWs that scurry away, defeated, like vampires that just saw a garlic-flavored cross emitting sunlight.

    JWs behave nothing like the biblical Jesus who taught that love rules. Instead, they present themselves as "angels of light" when actually they are wolves in sheep's skin. They offer nothing but slavery to oppressive Watchtower-based rules and false prophecies of a paradise which never arrives.

  • BU2B

    That is such a good thought. Truth is never afraid of, nor flees from lies and darkness. That is why JWs need the poison excuse to avoid former members.

  • Simon

    Ah, the bible - a crazy book for nonsense tales.

    Like the super powerful god who created the entire galaxy and yet couldn't find the humans he created because they were hiding behind a tree.

    It's like superman with a piece of kryptonite hidden behind a ceiling fan - super power / lame mortal / super power / lame mortal.

  • suavojr

    lol simon!

    Not only did he talk with Satan but he actually allowed the Devil to challenge him... I am afraid that only a person using critical thinking can see through the GB lies. How do you think a regular JW wold react to such a question? Like Billy said: And we all know what happens when a JW encounters someone that is knowledgable and disagrees with them... it's the JWs that scurry away, defeated, like vampires that just saw a garlic-flavored cross emitting sunlight.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Jesus did not know the rules written by Paul and James! Those rules were written after his death!

    Good point.

    I think they left the part out of the Bible where Jesus writes Satan a long, 54 paragrah e-mail, telling him basically that Satan is dead to him. Jesus also tells Satan that not even if Jesus is dying, Satan will not be contacted, because he eats at the tables of demons and is already dead to Jesus. Jesus writes three paragrahs telling Satan how if he had been "willing to put forth the effort", Satan wouldn't have had to think up that snake scheme thing. I don't know why the Catholics chose to leave that story out.

  • ILoveTTATT

    lol... those Catholics!!

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