This experience goes back some time too. It was one of the defining moments in helping me to wake up to this nonsense.
I had a minor role in a drama several years ago. We assembled for our first practice and the brother doing the lead role discovered that there was a major problem with the script. GASP It was that the directions were to exit from stage left but then enter the next scene from stage right. To enter from the left would not have worked so the brother doing the lead part suggested that he would have to run around the back of the stage to be in the proper position to enter the next scene.
This is where it got interesting. The brother in charge of the whole drama said he had to ask direction from the branch.
Talk about micromanaging.
At the same drama there was a young sister who had some highlights in her hair but on the set she had a head covering. All was well for the 2 months of practice . No one said a word. Until we practiced in front of the DO and CO. Then the shit hit the fan! I felt sorry for the sister. she was crying and said "why didn't you just say something earlier" The brother in charge of the drama got in big trouble over this too. In the end I heard it was the CO's wife that didn't like the hair color.