Very nice ATJ.
Great to hear from you!
by AllTimeJeff 21 Replies latest jw friends
Very nice ATJ.
Great to hear from you!
Very nice. I might just add my 2 cents and say that a large step in the recovery process is to talk with people who have NOT had the exact same experience but have relationship and identity issues brought on by other controlling religions (there are many) or substance abuse. The parallels are amazing and sobering. Eventually we stop being a victim of small minded sectarianisn and become productive members of a society of humans.
Nice growth
Congratulations on moving to living as a human being. Thanks for sharing your celebration.
ATJ wrote: I would say one thing that is very important; Get it out. Bleed a bit. (But dress and heal the wound, lest it get infected) Get angry, get pissed, empathize, sympathize, love, help, and support. But don't forget to live outside this forum. I can say one thing with certainty: If all you have is this forum right now, please know, I, along with many others, have been there. Just don't stay there. If this forum is all you have, understand that this is a way station, a place to take a break, reorganize, and learn what you want to take with you on the rest of your journey.
Thanks for popping in!
Good for you!
Thanks a lot for this. Luckily I woke up to the TTATT at age 25 instead of later. Slowly but surely Im forgetting it all.
I think an ex-JW starts to live when indifference comes towards JW issues. And then the JW world becomes just an old culture we share, like we lived on a distant land someday.
Thanks everyone. This forum is great. I doubt you will see me debating anymore. I don't need to fight.
And thanks to Outlaw for reminding me that I am indeed, a Human Bean. ;)
Thanks All time Jeff. Wonderfully said, good advice and direction.